
Hi all,

I was curious if anyone has noticed any impact HIIT might have on estrogen and/or libido.

I feel like after doing HIIT I tend to have an acute decrease in libido (I feel great, but have no interest in anything sexual for the remainder of the day), but for longer term it has increased libido and I was curious if anyone else has ever experiened this.

Lastly, does anyone know if HIIT impacts estradiol? HIIT has changed my life, but I've noticed my estradiol has dropped significantly since beginning HIIT. I was wondering if this contributed more to the fatloss (less fat mass = less aromatase) or if HIIT somehow indirectly causes a decrease in estradiol. For example, I read that HIIT causes a dramatic increase in HGH which might cause estradiol to decrease. I am scowering PubMed to substantiate this, but cannot find anything regarding HIIT's impact on estradiol.

Looking forward to your thoughts, findings, and experiences.

submitted by /u/IndubitablyPreMed
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Could light lifting prevent scale loss?

Hi all! I’m 5’3”, 22F, SW: 180lbs, CW: 166lbs, GW: 120lbs. I am currently eating around 1,200 calories a day with 1,500 calories on the weekend (struggles of being a short woman with a desk job). Last week I started working out by lifting 5 pound weights (don’t judge me I am weak) for 30 minutes 4 days a week. I do 3 sets of 30 reps of various dumbbell arm exercises, so I’m not really doing THAT much. I weigh and track my food meticulously and usually burn 2,000 total calories in a day so I should be at pretty good deficit each day but my weight has not budged at all.

Basically I’m wondering if working out, even with such SMOL weights for such a short time, could be preventing any scale loss? Like, could it just be water weight preventing it? I feel like I’m not doing enough to really cause that but maybe since I’m a beginner it is a lot for my personal body?

Any feedback at all is appreciated. Have a good day!

submitted by /u/complexcrimson
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So far so good but not enough...

Hello! I am quite pleased that I actually can post something on this subreddit for once instead of just lurking. I got a scale and I found out I have lost 13.2 pounds. I have been without a scale for 4 months and some of my clothes have been fitting better while others I still struggle. But I am happy to finally know I am down some weight!

I don't really know what I have been doing lately that has been different. But I will say that means I have only been losing like 3 pounds a month (I know I probably could have lost more or less for different months). Is that really that good? My goal weight is 115 pounds and I have a really long way to go. I have just started working out and I no longer walk to work like I have been doing these past few months. So what are some things I can work on? Of course I want it to be healthy and not drastically dramatic. I haven't been eating well either I have no idea what I am doing honestly 😭.

Maybe because I haven't been stress eating like usual? 🤔

Any tips since I can be quite tired from working and honestly lazy at times when I should be working out.

submitted by /u/SoIWontGetCaught
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should I break my intermittent fasting?

I weight 78kg now (started at 90kg) and I do a very high calories deficit of 1,000 calories a day. Along with intermittent fasting. (My height is 165cm).

I know its extreme but my body has horrible genes everyone in my family is obese so I was 90kg when I was already eating healthy and only around 2,000 calories a day so I feel like it has to be extreme for me to lose weight with my genes. And I am also in touch with a dietician overlooking my progress so I am staying healthy.

With my extreme calorie deficit, I started to get full extremely fast, so today I got full after only eating carrot with hummus at work, and ended up just eating the rest of my breakfast for lunch instead of buying lunch, so only ate 500 calories today overall.

Should I break my intermittent fasting to eat more now that it's late and I'm getting a lil hungry again, or keep it going?

Should I keep doing intermittent fasting in general?

It's easy for me, but I'm scared because I'm starting to regularly eat less than 1,000 calories because I get full easily now, and then with the intermittent fasting I can't "make up for it" later.

But I'm also very scared to break off the intermittent fasting because I don't want to lose my progress and gain weight again, my progress is really slowing down I was losing around 4kg every month at first but now I'm losing only around 1kg a month or less and I'm really scared I'll gain if I break one part of my diet.

But on the other hand I don't want this to turn unhealthy by accident, I want to stay healthy so I can maintain this well.

submitted by /u/arminsexual
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I cried in the gym

Today I went to do my monthly self test for my mile and a half time. My ultimate goal is under 15 minutes but today was the first day I made it on the airforce pt test board at 18 minutes flat. I've lost 43lbs so far but I dont notice in my appearance. To get on the board was overwhelming for me and I sat on the tread mill and gave my self 2 minutes to feel it.

I'm meal prepping my food for the week, focusing on protien but I'm on a high right now. A few months ago I couldn't run for 20 seconds! Now I can run for 18 minutes!!!

No one irl is as excited about this as I am so I'm just yelling into the void 😂😂😂

submitted by /u/Negative-Butterfly65
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Anybody have success with meal delivery kits?

Anybody had success with meal delivery kits like Factor or Hello Fresh? My nutritionist wants me on a calorie deficit but I have a history of taking it to far when counting calories. I’m trying to avoid making similar mistakes. I feel getting the meals from someone else, and trusting them to manage the calories would be the best way to start developing better habits; but I’m unsure and looking for advice 🙂

I’m 27yo F, 5’4” and 170lbs. Obesity runs rampant in my family. I’m in the gym about 3 days a week and struggling to see results. I work 2 jobs and have very limited time to cook. I get about 1 or 2 days where I have free time in the kitchen, and I try to prep for a week of eating. But it’s expensive and difficult and I’m struggling to stay motivated.

submitted by /u/Miss-Pissy
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Help pls, I cannot lose weight due to crippling food addiction

Hello everybody. So I'm 20 kg overweight (which may sound like not a big deal, but I get really, really dismorphyc about it) and no matter how much I try, I cannot lose it.

I tried to maintain calorie deficit and track calories at least 3 times this autumn, but about 3-4 days in I lose to compulsive thoughts and hunger, overeat a lot, become very sad about it and give it up. I cannot stand the hunger at all.

I have a really high appetite, eat much more than my family members (otherwise I feel hungry and anyway overeat), also I have OCD and ADHD so I'm very familiar with compulsive thoughts and lack of impulse control. I also have crippling addiction to caffeine, drink coffee up to 5 times per day + energy drinks almost every day.

Only things that worked for me so far are 1) drink coffee with sweeteners instead of sugar and 2) avoid grocery stores at all.

I'm very depressed about it at this point, I feel like some heroin addict, but my heroin is food and caffeine, I have no idea how to overcome this vicious circle of undereating and then overeating. At this point I guess I will soon just do amphetamines to not feel hungry.

Is there some other drugs that kills one's appetite? Btw I use estrogen for transition and will probably start SSRIs for psychiatric diagnoses soon, if that matters.

submitted by /u/und3f1n3d1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/xsoRyUK

I’m losing my motivation and my husband isn’t helping. I need advice BAD.

(F32) 4’10” CW: 152, GW: 130

So I’m… I’m losing control again in over eating. Almost every single day with my husband I over eat. He’s allowed with exercise no more than 2,000 calories a day while I’m allowed no more than 1,400.

It’s HARD to say no to food especially when my husband wants Del Taco, Taco Bell, or Wendy’s after work. We work for the same company just different buildings, so we’d carpool, but holy hell it’s hard to say no to him over going to get food at certain places. The only thing I did was I would offer him multiple bites of my food so that I would eat less, but then he would have a sweet tooth and we have candies, chocolates, and cookies at home because it’s what he wants.

He’s not even really keeping track of his consumption, he just exercises and sweats a lot, so he’s still losing weight when he eats a lot. He’s gets super weird if I don’t want anything because I want to be strict in my eating and doesn’t take no for an answer. Always still orders something for me anywhere we go and pushes food in my face. We’ve had multiple conversations about him not doing this, but he doesn’t see the harm in me eating because he loves me no matter my weight.

I just feel so defeated because I want to be consistent in my routine of working out and lifting weights and hiking on the weekends, but if one day is off or if my husband wants to have fun on a Friday night, meaning beer and food, I feel like fucking up the rest of the week.

I bought a $500 fitness watch to help with calculating calories when I lift weights, but even that sucks to do and I don’t actually have a good measurement at all for weight lifting versus static cardio like stairs or elliptical.

Not eating or having controlled eating is freaking HARD when you have a partner that doesn’t really give a shit about calorie counting.

Can someone with the same experience or issues help give some real advice that isn’t blaming myself for not just saying “no” to food? Like you guys don’t understand my husband will full blown not get food if I say no or not eat. He’s weird and gets all pissy if I don’t want fast food and will sulk at home because he decided not to get food since I said no even if I insist he get food if he’s hungry and I’m just sitting in the car completely content with not eating.

Thankfully this week we’re taking separate cars because he’s going to work at a different building in a different direction all together, so that could help me have more control in eating throughout the day.

But I really really need help with like how to stay motivated on my own and together with my husband and not feel like saying “fuck it” to diet and exercise because my husband is constantly wanting pizza, beer, burgers, Chinese food, Indian food, tacos, burritos, etc.

Also, I’m not taking a pre workout or caffeine before exercising because of my anxiety, so advice on that too would help a lot.


submitted by /u/ThrowRA273414
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/6Jlo3PR

Weight loss after taking antidepressants or ADHD meds?

Hi there - just wondered if anyone experienced weight loss after taking antidepressants or ADHD meds. I'm an active enough person and try to eat relatively healthy, however through my 'down/sad' periods / as result of ADHD, I am constantly snacking and usually have food (carbs, sugar) as my main source of dopamine.

I wondered if anyone has addressed this root cause issue, either through anti-anxiety meds/ anti-depressants or ADHD meds, and therefore lessened the 'food noise' or quick dopamine fix?

submitted by /u/Plane_Island6825
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ueR5IkG

Curious if anyone else has had this?


Couple of things I wonder if the resonate with anyone

Long story short, I've done cuts where I was 1800kcal to 2000kcal and I just got super skinny and lost all muscle mass it was awful

I then got on better workout programmes and decided to lean bulk to build muscle mass because I felt fat gross and skinny with no muscle all at the same time

Anyway, what I wanted to discuss with anyone is this,

When I eat between 2000-2300kcal I wasn't getting hungry, it felt right, but I wasn't gaining any muscle or getting bigger, so I upped to 2400 then a few weeks later and now I am on 2500. I've been consistent and still bouncing between 71-71.8kgs at this kcal count.

At 2000kcal I'm at around 70-71kgs.

At 2500kcal I feel hungry, like all the time? Why do I feel hungrier at 2500kcal than 2300kcal?

I also don't do body fat measuring anymore, inbody scales were all I had access to and on one day they'd show 15% bf then the next it would go to 18 then the next 14 so I just measure waist now with tape measure as at least I know that's accurate and not just giving random numbers

Even with eating more calories (2500kcal) my waist is STILL 29.5inches so even if I'm now at 71.5kgs to 71.8kgs I don't * think * I've gotten "fatter"? If my waist has stayed the same

Fyi I'm a Les mills instructor and teach body combat 1-3 times a week and am running 5/3/1 boring but big programme. I usually get like 15,000 steps even on days off which are rare.

Final question for anyone made it this far. my bench has stalled at 80kgs but overhead press, squat and deadlift are still slowly creeping up. Could this be because I'm not "big enough" or not eating enough to build strong muscle to push heavier weight?

I feel like being a fitness coach I should know this stuff....but I really get confused sonetimes and need a reality check!

submitted by /u/ghostmark2005
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High Protein + Fiber = Weight loss

The question is whether eating a high-protein, high-fiber diet leads to weight loss. Currently, I walk 10,000 steps daily and practice intermittent fasting, not eating from 8 PM to 12 PM. I log my food intake and aim to stay under 2,000 calories, ensuring I meet my daily requirements for fiber, protein, and iron. I’ve read online that increasing protein and fiber can make weight loss easier. Do you think there's truth to this? I'm curious if focusing on these nutrients can enhance my weight loss efforts alongside my current routine. Any thoughts or insights on how protein and fiber contribute to weight loss would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/TorontoRap2019
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Mirena Removal Impact

Hi! Are there any women/people with periods who have had hormonal IUDs removed? I’m due for replacement and I’m considering just going without BC for a while and seeing how that impacts my body in general. This isn’t a weight loss decision, but I’m curious/nervous about what may be in store for me. I’ve seen that having the IUD may lead to slight weight gain, but I also have been able to exist without periods or big hormonal fluctuations for the past few years, so I also feel that could be balanced out?

submitted by /u/BarracudaOk5032
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/uBO7pfA

Mental health issues tied to weight loss?

I (24f) have yo-yo’d between 130 and 170 lbs since I was 16. The last few times I have gotten to a lower weight, I’ve noticed a strange pattern. I have a mental health crisis every time I approach my weight loss goal. I oftentimes get very anxious and even irritable/manic at times. On the flip side, I am extremely depressed at my higher weights. I am stuck wondering if these issues are coming from the weight fluctuations or instead correlated with other factors that also affect my weight. Is this is an experience anyone can relate to? Can successfully dieting cause mental health issues?

submitted by /u/literalcoward
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/U7kJ8wa

IBS struggles

So here is some transparency from me. Bear with me! It’s a long one😬🏃🏻‍♀️💩

First, we have to bring it back to July 2024. At this time I was having severe constipation. I went to a GI doctor at this time. He told me to take 6 stool softeners and day and to lose weight. Well as a dietitian, I knew I wasn’t the healthiest plus this was the heaviest I had been. Deep down I knew that I had suffered from either diarrhea or constipation for years. So, I was like okay. Let me listen to him and try this out. This is when the weight loss journey began. I knew that I need more fiber and with fiber comes more water intake. Because, guess what! More fiber without water intake makes you even more constipated. Lord knows at this time I didn’t need that because I had the pains, the bloat, you name it when it came to constipation. At this time is when I started exercising. The elliptical for 30mins a day was the goal! Of course more of a cardio focus to help the gut moving and maybe burn some fat. With the change I had made thus far August came around. I was down -6.8lb!!! I was impressed of course.

So, with the rest efforts and the weight loss. Guess what! Constipation was still severe. So, my choice was to go back to the same GI doctor or another. FYI: Stool softeners were not my first choice. I had tried Linzess (relief at times), milk of magnesium (did not help), Mirilax (nope).

I then went to the second GI doctor. He prescribed my IBSRELA 2x daily. Which WOW this sucker works! Maybe a bit too well some days.🤭😮‍💨 The exercising, portion sizes, and food options didn’t just change once I found this medicine. You know why! The love of my life then proposed to me in September 2024 This meant I had a wedding in December 2025; I HAVE to look SNATCHED for!

I am now down -17.2lb! I still suffer from bloat, constipation, not choosing the best food but yet I am human. I was able to wean off of one of my anxiety/depression medicines because the endorphins with exercise has helped!

I tell you this because, they now have all of these easy ways out when it comes to weight loss. I guarantee with changes in lifestyle /mood makes it feel 100000% better! My journey is far from over! I can not wait to have continued progress and changes! ✨

submitted by /u/carlie_rose96
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how tomake anxiety better??

ok so i lost about 5-6 kg in october 2023- may 2024 and have been maintaining since. i did watch what i ate and excercise, but it was probably mostly good habits and puberty. it was partly caused by a really bad body image which of course hasn't gottten that much better; ive actually grown more and more self-concious of my body since! all the comments about my weight loss + how ''happy'' it made me feel made me develop strong anxiety over gaining weight. when the anxiety was really bad (because of other things too) i used to ritually weigh myself and have pretty weird behaviors around food, like having to chew every bite at least around 40 times, liquid calories etc, but i digress. ive been maintaining for 5 months now so i feel a little more relaxed but i weighed myself twice after not being able to the whole summer and broke down crying. like i started obsessivel checking for weight gain between old and new pictures and all that and the second time i literally passed like 30 minutes just shaking all over. so now im mostly better around food and my body but still have extreme anxiety over weighing myself, even though i know nothing has changed. im still not at my goal soo what do i do to get over the fear? btw in general even if i wasnt trying to lose weight i would like to see my weight without going into a full twitching episode please and thank you!

i see now that i have gone wayyy off track but i just don't know who to say this to, so now you all have to deal !! dont waste your time with the 'get help' comments because as much as i appreciate it, im eating normally and everything. fall hunger doesnt spare anyone i guesssss

submitted by /u/Normal_Dig2150
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My husband started having some serious back pain a couple weeks ago that has put him down. This has forced multiple ER and doctor's visits, which brought up his health. His A1C came back at 7.1. His whole ordeal was a wake up moment for me, because I have no idea if I'm healthy. I know what the scale says and I am obese, but other than that....clueless. I decided it wasn't fair to myself or my family to ignore my health so I made a doctor appointment. I hadn't had a full lab panel done, like ever, so he ordered the works. Cortisol, thyroid, anything that might be related to my weight problem. My labs came back today and I am SHOCKED. They are all NORMAL. How can this be?! I am F, 5'2", 45, 226 lbs and my A1C is 5. I have the biggest sweet tooth. Do I just have good genes? I've always been told I carry my weight well (thank God). I joined a gym yesterday and went at 4:30 this morning. Just going to the gym lights a fire under my diet...when you're paying for the cost of a gym AND investing the time to go, you don't want to eff it up eating like crap ;-) Anyone else healthy but fat?

submitted by /u/Impossible_Trust_577
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Taking a break from running?

F19 here. I've been on my weight loss journey for about 10 months now, and in that time, I’ve lost 50 pounds. I’ve really grown to love strength training and running. Earlier in the year I had to take a break from running for medical reasons but I’m happy to say I’ve recently gotten back into it while maintaining my weight.

Lately, though, I’ve noticed that running makes me much hungrier than usual, which has been challenging since I want to go on another cut and lose about 15 more pounds. I’ve been making improvements with my running, but I’m worried that the increased hunger might make it harder to stay in a caloric deficit.

I’ve been thinking about possibly putting my running goals on the back burner for now to focus on this cut. I would still keep up with my strength training and incorporate other cardio, like incline walking, but I’m not sure if that means I'll lose all my running progress.

Is it a bad idea to step back from running during a cut? I don't count my calories ( and can't really since I once struggled with an ED) do maybe putting running on pause will be a better approach?

submitted by /u/sunflowerhajj
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my weight loss journey that started from anxiety

Earlier this year, I had quite a scare when I felt that I was getting symptoms of diabetes. I went into a panic attack, but thankfully it was mostly just in my head. That episode put me in a bit of anxiety for the next few months. Due to said anxiety, I started to eat a lot healthier and do daily exercise such as walking. I'll be honest, it wasn't a good time at all. I didn't have trouble sticking to eating lower volume and eating healthier foods only because I was more afraid of sicknesses, which is such an unhealthy way to view food and life in general.

If it were not for my supportive family and friends, I would not have recovered as well as I have. My mom supported me a lot emotionally and in terms of buying much more healthy food for the family. My sisters also started going to the gym and we all go together 3-4 times a week.

My relationship with food is a lot healthier now. I still have a lot of fun eating, and I am way more knowledgeable on what I'm putting inside my body. I am not exercising or dieting anymore because of anxiety, but because I actually genuinely enjoy the process and I hope that never changes. It's actually quite crazy how I was able to eat like 4-6 cups of rice per meal back then with multiple servings of meat, and now I get full because of 1 chicken sandwich from popeyes lol.

As of now, I have lost quite a lot of weight (it took me a while to realize, I only noticed when my old shirts started fitting again). I started around 256 lb and now I'm down to 212. Currently aiming for 200 by the end of the year. Imma eat a donut again on christmas tho xdd

submitted by /u/Far-Marketing-6899
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I seriously need help not binging 😣

I’m trying to lose weight and have been for a while now. Like everybody else I’ve been counting calories. I do well on the weekdays but as soon as that weekend hits it’s like I can’t stop eating. I don’t know what it is about the weekend but I go ham with the food and snacking. I’m pretty sure it’s because of me not having anything to do. Since I am in high school, school gives me something to do over the weekdays but since that element is gone during the weekends I guess I just need something to do and that thing is binging. I think the trigger is me being bored and procrastinating on my school work.

Over the summer was the only time that I didn’t binge at all. My routine was to go on a walk every morning (10k steps), eat breakfast, which was coffee and something sweet (I.e. a croissant or some cookies) and then have dinner. I allowed myself one snack but I never counted my calories. I think the reason for me not binging is because I wasn’t obsessed with the numbers.

On the weekdays I usually stay under my calorie limit. So this makes me wonder whether I should just ditch calorie counting all together. Over the summer I did reach my lw but as soon as school started I binged myself back up. Maybe I need to eat mindfully like I did in the summer and implement my walks again? Please if anyone has any thoughts or tips for me I would greatly appreciate it! 😊

submitted by /u/Nomnumxp
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I'm not a big meat eater. What's a good meal plan for weight loss.

I'm not vegetarian but I can't eat more than maybe 7-8 bites of meat per meal before I'm done with it. What is a good meal plan to lose weight? Any tips or suggestions. I'm not vegan or vegetarian. I tried vegan once and lasted 5 months. I need something more moderate I think.

For reference, I'm 36, female, 250 lbs, 5 foot 4.5. I do yoga 3x a week and other workouts (mostly incline walking on the treadmill) kind of sporadically.

Can I eat anything as long as the calories are right? Has anything used a good meal plan that is low on meat?

submitted by /u/Plane_Doughnut6883
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Hi all, I was curious if anyone has noticed any impact HIIT might have on estrogen and/or libido. I feel like after doing HIIT I tend to ...