Messed up really bad this time

I'm currently about 55 kgs and 153 centimetres and been trying to lose weight for a while now but I keep messing up. I'm fine during the week but during the weekends all my self control vanishes.

I believe I ate 3-4000 calories today alone. I thought I messed up yesterday eating too much chocolate but it feels like nothing compared to today. I feel so awful right now. My family is all overweight and they're always ordering food to the house, I decline it most of the time but on the weekends I will accept some but it always backfires.

I would appreciate any tips and advice, I'm seriously struggling.

submitted by /u/-Ramblin-Rose-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally starting to lose fat

Hello everyone, first time posting here. I’m a 5’4 F and used to weigh about 66 kg (145 lbs). Recently, a little over 3 weeks ago, I started OMAD and started eating strictly real foods. In the past, I had major issues losing weight (I probably had a damaged metabolism), so the fact that I now weigh about 62.8 kg (138 lbs) is just amazing. For context, i’ve been trying to lose weight for about 3 years now (I know, pathetic). To go from 66, to 62.8 in less than a month is just staggering for me. Nothing has ever worked as amazingly as this before. I’ve tried counting calories, working out every day, and some other crazy bullshit to lose weight. Spoiler alert: did not work. If I didn’t get results within 2 months, i’d be extremely discouraged and eventually give up.

In my one meal, I eat at 4-5 PM till i’m stuffed and genuinely don’t feel an ounce of hunger for the rest of the day. I primarily eat air fried/ oven baked potatoes,beef/chicken/lamb cooked in butter or air fried/baked and occasionally eggs (all of this seasoned with only salt). I avoid dairy and leafy greens, and I don’t eat fruits. So far, it’s been working miraculously, i’m really loving it.

Some people may say: “doesn’t it feel restrictive?”To be honest, yes, kind of. But that’s only because i’ve cut out all sugar, including fruits. Otherwise, im doing completely fine and I see myself doing this long term easily.

Some other benefits i’ve seen from this: Increased mental clarity Somehow less laziness (probably more energy) Less sugar cravings around the 3 week mark Less anxiety More confidence Feeling happier and healthier in general

If you have trouble losing weight, I highly recommend switching to animal-based or carnivore and trying to cut fruit. If you are an adult, try OMAD as well. If you really wanna keep fruit, opt for berries/fruits low in fructose content. My diet isn’t exactly animal based nor carnivore (because of the potatoes), but it still has a similar concept that works for me.

Thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/esponetter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else lean into the bland/bad food?

I'll preface this by saying I'm actually a foodie who enjoys cooking and eating interesting and delicious foods. Enjoying food sometimes is not something I want to remove from my life.

Buuuuuut I'm also a binge eater who will stuff myself on highly-palatable junk until it physically hurts.

One of the things that took me a little while to get to is that not all food has to taste good. It's okay for it to be just about nutrition sometimes. It doesn't have to be always or never. Eating something uninteresting or just not my favorite doesn't trigger bingeing in the same way that something tastier might.

As an example, I love veggie burgers, give me an impossible burger or a well-seasoned house made bean burger and I will be all about it. But Boca Burgers? Eh. Reminds me of 20 years ago when there weren't very many veggie burger options. They kinda smell like cat food. While you can pan fry them, if you microwave them they end up kind of wet and floppy. They're not terrible but I'd never choose one as my favorite.

...So it's kind of the perfect lunch. Especially when I'm too busy with work and might be tempted by something junky that I'd binge, instead I can just toss two patties in the microwave. 220 calories with 28g of protein. It'll satiate me but I have absolutely zero desire to eat more of it. And then I can enjoy dinner instead.

submitted by /u/tryingtoloseit123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintaining is hard

(Please excuse mistakes, English is not my first language)

First off, I want to say that I never really posted on here while I was on my actual weight loss journey, but this community still helped me so much and I learned almost everything about weight loss on here. Could not have done it without you people.

So I (22f) started my weight loss in early may of 2023. I‘ve been chubby my whole life, always had a BMI of around 25. In early 2023 I shockingly reached a weight of around 70kg (~155lb) at only 159cm (5‘3 I believe?) and I decided I wanted to lose weight. I reached my goal weight of 53kg (around 117lb) by the end of january. When I weigh in now, I actually weigh in between 51,5-52,5kg (113lb-116lb). I am happy where I am at and I know I would be okay with gaining back a little bit. I think I would be fine with a weight up to 55kg (around 121lb).

But I have realized that maintaining is so much harder than losing the weight. I still track my calories and usually try to stay in a deficit as I want to eat more when going out with friends later in the week etc. Today I ate my maintainance calories although I did not go out. I know that this is totally fine and actually what I should be doing, but I still somehow feel bad about it. I am just so happy with the way I look and feel now. Losing weight is one of the best things I have done for myself and I don‘t want to go back to my old self. But I see and hear so many stories about people gaining back the weight they have lost and I really do not want to join this group.

Has anyone else went or is going through something similar? What helped you guys maintain your weight?

submitted by /u/CharmingFeeling1892
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do I do now??

Need some advice! I’ve lost around 10kg in the last year but the last few months have been really hard with binging and emotional issues around food. I gained around 7lbs of my weight lost back but this week I felt really motivated to try and be disciplined and consistent. I’ve been to the gym 4 days so far, done 15k steps a day and stuck to my calories apart from today where I have slipped up and had around 500 over my set calories for weight loss. I’m trying really hard not to let it slip into a binge. Should I take the calories off the next few days to even the deficit out? My weigh days are a Sunday or should I just let it go and forget it happened and start a new day tomorrow? I’m worried I will fall into a binge/restrict cycle again and be stuck again 😩

submitted by /u/madeupstoriesx3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Did you ever completely let yourself go and how long did it take to go back? (Rant)

So, this past year I successfully lost 80lbs and maintained it for almost a year now. I became a long distance runner/overall healthy individual and as a result I stopped counting calories and focused more on intuitive eating. It’s been working well thus far…

However, I just received bad news and I am having a bad time responding to it. For the past week I’ve let myself go both mentally and physically. I don’t even know how many calories I’ve been eating but I feel horrible physically. My stomach hurts, I’m bloated, I’m lethargic, my bowel movements are all inconsistent which is very uncommon for me, and I feel horrible on my runs.

I am still running and being active as a means to help me take my mind off things. It’s helped, but it hasn’t stopped me from my urge to gorge myself to the point my stomach is in pain and I just end up crying while like a bunch of empty wrappers and containers are in front of me.

I was 140lbs and now I’m 152, which is probably a combination of water retention and genuine weight gain. But I’m more upset of the fact that it’s affecting my athletic performance, as I am supposed to participate in a marathon next month. It’s been something I’ve been working towards since I’ve started my fitness journey and I feel like I’m sabotaging everything I’ve worked so hard far

I know that I’m eating to feel something and it’s only been a week and each day is a new day. I’m going to clean my room, go for a run, and take a long shower. I’m going to look for new outlets instead of food. But it’s so much harder to do than say.

submitted by /u/mmgk09
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wondering if im in the right ballpark

Im 26, weigh 101kg at the moment and over the last 10 months I lost 41kg by counting calories and working out on my hometrainer. I always do 2 programs 30mins each, the first starts slow and easy and works itself up until its almost at max resistence possible in the last 3 minutes (Machine goes from 1-22, programm starts at 4 and goes up to 18 tho I usually manually change it to 6-20) then afterwards I do 30 minutes on 15 or 16. The display says I burn around 800-830 calories with both programs combined but that seems way too high so I usually just count it as 400 calories burnt. Im in the 250-300 watt range except for the easy beginning where its ~15 minutes of 120-150 range. I have no clue if people can help me with this but it would be cool to know if im right or wrong :)

submitted by /u/UncoolBallguzzler
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Figured I'd share this here - More than halfway through my weight loss goal (Start Dec 15th, 242lbs -> 194lbs, 6' tall)

I think I'm going to lose another 20 lbs before engaging a caloric surplus. I started out with cardio and monitoring calories with the LoseIt app, then moved into weightlifting, cardio and maintaining a caloric deficit. Years of working on a desk for 10 hours a day and paid for lunches had stacked up the pounds!

Absolutely shocked by 1) how much muscle I had left on my legs and 2) How much i was really eating in a day. I've always had large thighs but i've had some significant weight for a few years and forgotten how much muscle I had on my legs when I was younger - needless to say I'm happy most of it stuck around after all this time. As far as the food goes - fairly generic observation here, but its really shocking how many calories are in some of the more commonplace foods people eat are. Avoiding sauces and focusing on dry seasonings have been huge for me, and cutting red meat out of my life has made me feel way healthier in general. The LoseIt app has been a godsend for tracking intake - i used another app a long time ago and it was nowhere near this good. Super intuitive!

Also very happy to say that it is possible to lose weight and gain muscle. I was definitely a skeptic but if you can find a way to put a good amount of protein in your body while eating at a caloric surplus and exercising (and pushing yourself!), you can really accomplish it. Hopefully will be done with the weight loss soon and will move to a lean bulk, and will get myself fully in shape by next summer.

Wishing you all the best - stay committed and push your self, good things will happen!

Edit: also, get yourself a food scale. Instantly helped me keep myself more organized when it came to tracking my intake! Also, I am currently 194 lbs - i'm going to go to 175 lbs before focusing on muscle gain.

submitted by /u/AbbreviationsNo2910
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 year+ results of a new diet/exercise plan I came up with

A little over a year ago I posted about a new plan I had come up with. So far I've lost around 50 lbs and for the first year of it I tried to keep a log of my progress. The basic idea was to use a physical currency of some kind to incentivize eating better and exercise while also limiting my bad habits by putting a cost to them. I ended up with 3 bowls and a mixture of white and red (equal to 5 white beads) plastic gems/beads as my currency.

The main thing I think this process has shown me is how important it is to customize a diet to yourself. What I did probably won't work for most people, but it has been right for me and my specific life.

Bead Counting Start Date 2/18/2023


  • Setting a new base line without feeling like I'm on a diet
  • Build in failure states as part of the plan (a bad day just means I over spend on my beads)
  • Focus on changing habits more than losing weight
  • Less late night food
  • More consistent exercise
  • More healthy options for meals

Rules for earning beads

  • 15 minutes exercise = 1 bead
  • Large scale 30min+ chore = 1 bead
  • Salad (or equivalent healthy meal) for lunch or dinner = 1 bead

Rules for spending beads

  • after dinner snacks (not including fresh fruit) = 1 bead/serving
  • after dinner fresh fruit = 0 bead

Weight Measurements

  • Start weight 335
  • 3/18 weight 327
  • 4/18 weight 323
  • 5/27 weight 319
  • 7/18 weight 314


  • Phase 1 went really well and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. My appetite went down and eventually my dessert servings went from 3 or 2 at a time to 2 or 1 at a time.
  • Dessert's were almost always ice cream. It's one of the least healthy options, but also a favorite and really easy to measure out accurate servings using a food scale.
  • Toppings on the ice cream were harder to measure so I ended up eyeballing it. Probably went over a serving most the time, but not excessively so.
  • Since one of the main goals here was to not have this feel like a diet I was pretty loose on the measurements. A serving of ice cream is 95 grams, but if I put 100 grams in the bowl I was letting it slide.
  • I actively tried to not store up huge amounts of beads for this phase. I wanted this to not feel like a diet so it was important to just try and just set the baseline that I would work off of in the future.

Phase 2 starts 7/18/2023


  • Have larger goals to target to keep my mind away from the long term weight goals that can be less motivating.

Rules for earning beads

  • 15+ minutes exercise = 1 bead
  • Large scale 60min+ chore = 1 bead
  • Salad (or equivalent healthy meal) for lunch or dinner = 1 bead

Rules for spending beads

  • after dinner snacks (not including fresh fruit) = 1 bead/serving
  • after dinner fresh fruit = 0 bead
  • $100 to spend on liquor/weed/gambling = 25 beads

Weight Measurements

  • Phase 2 Start weight 314
  • 7/28 weight 308 - hit 25 beads
  • 8/11 weight 303 - hit 25 beads
  • 8/28 weight 299 - hit 25 beads
  • 9/15 weight 295 - hit 25 beads
  • 11/10 weight 289 - hit 25 beads
  • 1/4 weight 295 - after holidays
  • 1/18 weight 291 - hit 25 beads


  • I ended up adding a third bowl to work as a kind of savings account so that it was easier to keep track of my current day. Every evening before bed I move the beads from the current day to the savings bowl. I also added red beads that count for 5 of the other beads.
  • Weight loss slowed down a huge amount, but there was no rebound weight gain and I had no real desire to stop this diet structure.
  • I have got on a pattern of salads for lunch every day of the week and for dinner Mon-Thur. Fri-Sun I have a larger dinner and ice cream in the evening.
  • I find myself looking forward to those Friday dinners a bit more and putting a bit more effort into them.
  • I'm still having ice cream once or twice during the week, but I try to keep it to smaller portions.
  • I've maintained my exercise each day.

Current Phase

I've stopped recording my weights, but I'm currently down to 284 pounds. I had a vacation in March where I didn't exercise or limit my meals in any way and ended up gaining 6 pounds.

Recently I bought a vr headset and that has given me an excuse for additional exercise each day. Before that all I was doing was using a stationary bike, so the variety has been very helpful.

I only eat ice cream Fri-Sun now and my stomach is noticeably smaller. I get fuller easier and if I eat the amount I was eating before I start to feel really bloated and get sick to my stomach.

The last month or so I've ended up losing .5-1 pound per week. The great news is that this still doesn't really feel like a diet.

submitted by /u/bajesus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting worried about approaching goal weight

Male 5'8 SW:255 GW:155 CW:175

Hi! I am a 5'8 man and started at 255 with a goal weight of 155 and am now at 173.7 as of this morning, this weight loss has all taken place in about 6 months. all my clothing sizes have decreased dramatically (feels crazy to be able to shop in normal sections of stores haha 😅) and I've gotten compliments and comments from everyone who has seen me since losing this weight.

Despite all this I'm getting worried at how much excess fat I still have on my torso (and a little on my arms, legs, and below my face) and how low my gut hangs, does anyone who has dealt with a similar situation have any advice?

Edit: fixed the formal of the post, sorry.

submitted by /u/uhhcallmejefe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need help losing weight AND being healthy

I'm a picky eater. For 30 years I've never been able to eat vegetables, sauces, soups, any condiments and so many other things. It's not from a lack of trying, I try my wife's food daily and like plenty of foods others have a hard time with, but I can say over 30 years the only vegetables I've really eaten have cause me to gag or completely ruined a meal for me. What can I do nutrient wise to stay healthy while losing weight? Should I simply cut calories and add vitamins as this would both help me lose weight and be healthier than before, but i obviously don't have great eating habits. I've also attempted hiding it among fruits but any smoothie or similar I've had just never hid the taste, even when I'm not aware of the vegetables it's doesn't help.

submitted by /u/Ok_Review1639
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is a realistic time frame for losing weight?

So I'm 6'3 and currently weighing in at 354lbs. I exercise for ~90 minutes 3-5x per week. Doing light cardio and weight training, I've seeing doing that for ~2 months now.

I had a big problem with chips/chocolate and pepsi, I've been drinking diet pepsi for ~15 months now and cut out chips and chocolate in the last two months. The only thing along those lines I still eat is I will buy a rice Krispy bar thing on payday so once every 2 weeks or so but i could probably cut that out too honestly.

I've noticed that my clothes are getting baggy but my weight on the scale hasn't moved at all at least not since I bought a scale that can actially weigh me ~1 month ago.

I have currently have two weight loss goals first off is just less than 300 and I'd like to eventually be around 200lbs but I have no idea what kind of time frame I should be looking at, is no change after ~1 month a sign that I'm not doing enough? I have been getting stronger as evidence from my weight training so am I just building muscle at the same rate I'm losing fat?

Also does anyone have any recommendations for things I can get for work lunches? It would need to have at least a 2 week shelf life and able to be stored at room temperature. I was thinking the canned sandwich meats but I dont know if they're any good either.

submitted by /u/2020leapyear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Major calorie deficit but not losing significant weight?

I’m a 30year old 6’3 male at 328.4lbs. This is my second time doing a calorie deficit, the first time was 3 years ago, I was 400 pounds, I started consuming 1500 calories a day and 150 pounds, was at 250, then I learned the hard way that 1500 calories wasn’t sustainable and I gave up, I gained weight up to 340 pounds, I decided to restrict my calories again and used what I learned the first time, now I’m consuming 2000 calories and also doing cardio and lifting weights, the thing is that the first 2 weeks I lost 10 pounds which was probably only water weight, last week I was at 329.2 and today that I weighted my self I’m at 328.4, means I only lost .8 of a pounds, but why? Is 2,000 calories at 6’3 and 328 not low enough calories? Should I go down more on my calories? Can it be that I’m also lifting weights? I’m confused:/

submitted by /u/Perseverance-is-key
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stopped keto and started having problems.

Hello all!

I recently went on keto about 2 months ago for a cut (weight loss) and it went well for the most part; Stable energy, no hunger, and good weight loss.

Around last week I noticed I started having sleeping issues being on keto, it was hard to fall asleep, and hard to stay asleep.

I decided to reintroduce carbs and it isn’t going so well. I started eating lots of fruits, veggies, potatoes and I started developing dry mouth, low libido (I haven’t had an erection in almost 4 days) and very poor sleep.

I am wondering if anyone had a similar experience with this or if it is a sign of something more serious. I know it’s not very wise to ask for medical advice on Reddit, but the healthcare system in my province is not very good and I’m having a very hard time booking a doctor.

I appreciate any information given.

submitted by /u/jostlerjosh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stuck in a plateau!

Hi, I’m new to this sub and thought this would be a good place to ask some questions since I’ve never lost this much weight before and I’m not sure how plateaus work! My SW was around 220 in September, I’m now sitting around 185 plus or minus a pound. Thankfully this is my first plateau yet, but still frustrating! I’m trying to get down to 160 and it’s so close but seems so annoyingly far now.

My questions would be, how can I break it? I eat between 1200-1500 calories daily. I also just started running for exercise, whereas my weight loss has been all from my diet until this point. Is it true you can hold on to weight because you don’t eat enough? I’m worried about the days I barely manage 1200 calories, but burn 300-400 running. I drink water constantly. Is there anything I’m doing wrong or could be doing better?

submitted by /u/pumpkinsllut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are your experiences with hospital weight management programs?

A family medicine doctor recommended I try the weight managing program they have, because the doctor who does it is very passionate and they have a lot of success in helping patients with losing weight and keeping it off. My BMI is in the morbidly obese range, and I’ve been obese for 5~6 years (since childhood).

So I went, and the first appointment was pretty much an introduction. The doctor showed me some resources where I can find exercises that are easy to do at home. We talked about the bad impacts of obesity and that the first goal should be to lose 5-10% of body weight. Then we made follow up appointments.

During the follow up, I didn’t feel great. Because of stressful life events, I stopped going to the gym, but I also lost 5 pounds due to not having an appetite. The doctor recommended I install a calorie tracking app and don’t get discouraged by my setbacks. I said I want to consider medication or surgery, and he said it will be a consideration and we will talk more about that as time goes on.

I cancelled our next appointment because I gained 10 pounds within 6 weeks and felt horrible.

I was supposed to have another appointment tomorrow, but I cancelled it as well. I feel really useless and hopeless because I keep gaining weight and not changing my life. Also, it feels like the appointments are doing nothing except telling me advice I can find online? I thought this would be helpful but it feels like another reason for me to believe I’ll stay obese forever and then die at 45.

I’m wondering, did these programs help other people, and how so? Am i just a bad patient? I appreciate your responses 🙏

submitted by /u/LeafeonLove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i really need some good advice for weight loss

i (F20) want to be skinny. i've never been skinny in my whole life and i don't want to be, like, underweight, super skinny i just want to feel comfortable in my body. im overweight maybe not too fat —5"9 and 80kgs it's maybe a little too much. i have a really unhealthy relationship with food and i don't want to restrict myself completely and i probably couldn't since i stay in dorms, the food is so fucking bad i mostly have to eat outside. so i need to know what really worked for you - preferably the healthiest options. like how do i lose weight? a lot of people say "you just need to come terms with how you look and embrace it." but i don't think that's how it always works

it's not like i hate myself but i also don't like how i look??? and it's been like this for years so there's clearly only one solution and it's losing weight. so i desperately need to know what worked for you. i thought about going to gym but i live in a 3rd world country and the prices are so damn expensive just like healthy food. :(

submitted by /u/ohtoris
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally figured it out!?

49f, 5’4”, sw 215#, cw 195#, gw 130#

Child of the 80’s. As much as I’ve liked to say I’ve been a victim of bad nutrition advice over the years, I have to admit that what I’m finding to work now (prioritizing protein, counting calories and eating a modest deficit, modest exercise, avoiding processed foods) are things that I have actually heard over the years. I just ignored them. I have tried fad diets but my grandma was right.

I want this to be the last time I need to lose a large amount of weight.

submitted by /u/Wild_Resist_5724
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I failed myself and I’m not sure how to start back up.

Hello everyone, I don’t really have a question but I just wanted to vent if that’s ok. I’m a 22M 5’8” and currently 284lbs. I started my weight loss journey Jan 2023 at 305 and I dropped to 260 lbs by July 2023. During this time I regularly exercised and ate between 1500-2000 calories a day. Well, I recently moved to another state and between working and going to school full time I lost track and discipline which resulted in gaining weight where I’m currently at 284. I failed myself and I don’t know how to forgive myself and get back on track to my goal weight of 200. I’ve been doing CrossFit in 1 hour sessions 3 time a week which will increase to a total of 4 times a week, however I have not tracked any calories and quite frankly have been eating out consecutively for weeks. Due to my busy schedule I am looking into buying meal preps for dinner as I can easily pack something for breakfast and lunch. I figured I would just share my story and see if anyone else has some advice on moving forward from gaining weight and making mistakes. Thank you

submitted by /u/Exotic_Car4948
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss with an injured feet

İm usually on a calorie decifit but i ate a little too much today so i said to myself "why not do some sports!". İ was doing my usual thing. Joggigg in place and lifting weights. Running in place burns a lot of calories since im fat and every inch of my body move because of it lol. As i was doing this i tripped on the carpet and sparined my foot. İ heard several "click" sounds coming from it. İ started breathing really fast and couldnt stop myself. İ laid there about 3 minutes only to find an unbearable pain on my foot even when i dont use it. İ dont know how im gonna go to school tomorrow. İ was gonna burn like 300 more calories in like 50 minutes but i cant now. What exercises can i do that burns as much calories as this, moves me around and stuff that doesnt involve my foot? Thank youu.

submitted by /u/plushieandaspider
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Messed up really bad this time

I'm currently about 55 kgs and 153 centimetres and been trying to lose weight for a while now but I keep messing up. I'm fine durin...