how much is reccomended here

I keep trying to diet, I came off a 50kg weight loss diet a year ago but I gain 10kg back (currently 85kg, 6'3, male). I have the self control to probably loose it again but I am very physically active and I don't want to loose muscle.

I go to the gym 5 days a week for 9 hours total and do 2 hours of cardio and a 16k walk on weekend. I keep trying to start dieting again but 2 days into it I feel physically terrible until I eat. I need energy for the rest of my day and I value gaining strength and muscle more than weight loss but I still want to loose weight if possible. What sort of figure am I looking at in terms of calories,

I eat very healthy, oats for breakfast, chicken breast for lunch, mince and sweet potato for dinner sort of thing with maybe a ham sandwich if I need a quick easy snack. I eat probably an average of 180g of protein a day and 100g of carb a day

submitted by /u/HonestCake1828
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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how much is reccomended here

I keep trying to diet, I came off a 50kg weight loss diet a year ago but I gain 10kg back (currently 85kg, 6'3, male). I have the self ...