Finally starting to lose fat

Hello everyone, first time posting here. I’m a 5’4 F and used to weigh about 66 kg (145 lbs). Recently, a little over 3 weeks ago, I started OMAD and started eating strictly real foods. In the past, I had major issues losing weight (I probably had a damaged metabolism), so the fact that I now weigh about 62.8 kg (138 lbs) is just amazing. For context, i’ve been trying to lose weight for about 3 years now (I know, pathetic). To go from 66, to 62.8 in less than a month is just staggering for me. Nothing has ever worked as amazingly as this before. I’ve tried counting calories, working out every day, and some other crazy bullshit to lose weight. Spoiler alert: did not work. If I didn’t get results within 2 months, i’d be extremely discouraged and eventually give up.

In my one meal, I eat at 4-5 PM till i’m stuffed and genuinely don’t feel an ounce of hunger for the rest of the day. I primarily eat air fried/ oven baked potatoes,beef/chicken/lamb cooked in butter or air fried/baked and occasionally eggs (all of this seasoned with only salt). I avoid dairy and leafy greens, and I don’t eat fruits. So far, it’s been working miraculously, i’m really loving it.

Some people may say: “doesn’t it feel restrictive?”To be honest, yes, kind of. But that’s only because i’ve cut out all sugar, including fruits. Otherwise, im doing completely fine and I see myself doing this long term easily.

Some other benefits i’ve seen from this: Increased mental clarity Somehow less laziness (probably more energy) Less sugar cravings around the 3 week mark Less anxiety More confidence Feeling happier and healthier in general

If you have trouble losing weight, I highly recommend switching to animal-based or carnivore and trying to cut fruit. If you are an adult, try OMAD as well. If you really wanna keep fruit, opt for berries/fruits low in fructose content. My diet isn’t exactly animal based nor carnivore (because of the potatoes), but it still has a similar concept that works for me.

Thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/esponetter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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