Need help losing weight AND being healthy

I'm a picky eater. For 30 years I've never been able to eat vegetables, sauces, soups, any condiments and so many other things. It's not from a lack of trying, I try my wife's food daily and like plenty of foods others have a hard time with, but I can say over 30 years the only vegetables I've really eaten have cause me to gag or completely ruined a meal for me. What can I do nutrient wise to stay healthy while losing weight? Should I simply cut calories and add vitamins as this would both help me lose weight and be healthier than before, but i obviously don't have great eating habits. I've also attempted hiding it among fruits but any smoothie or similar I've had just never hid the taste, even when I'm not aware of the vegetables it's doesn't help.

submitted by /u/Ok_Review1639
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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I cannot mention my weight loss without the other person asking if I have an ED and idk if they're trying to look out for me or they don't know what a healthy weight looks like.

Recently, I swapped out my winter wardrobe for my summer one. I've lost so much weight since last summer that 90% of my summer clothes ...