Lost myself

Hello all. I am new to this sub and I hope I can get some tips/inspiration from it.

Around a year and half ago, I decided to start my weightloss journey and it turned out really well. I lost around 30 kg in a year and I was almost satisfied when it came to my appearance after the weight loss (in my mind I needed to lose maybe another 5-10kg). So a few months ago, I started to eat again and I stopped working out. I’ve gained almost 15 kg back and I am absolutely heartbroken about it. I really lost myself in the process of losing my ex bit by bit and I just let loose and found comfort in food and basically just being lazy all around.

The thing is, my sister is likely to get married around August this year and I really want to look my best by then. I’ve attempted to diet again two weeks ago and I just cannot seem to have enough discipline to stick to it. I know exactly what works for me when it comes to dieting and working out (I do low-carb + 4 gym days a week where I do mostly weight training) but it’s not working.. even though I know I must put in the work now if I want to have the body I want by then.

So my question is, do you guys ever struggle to get back on track after letting yourself go for a while? And if so, how do you get yourself back on track? What motivates you? What kind of diet do you easily stick to when you just start your diet? All suggestions are very much welcome!!

submitted by /u/xiyarmast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2DR6Z9I

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How do I get the urge to eat to go away (hormone related)?

I learned self control with food, and learned to enjoy exercise. I lost 60-70 pounds in total and I've gained back 5 (185 to now 190). ...