Gained it back, I’m so tired

I got on the scale today and basically gained back the 10lbs I lost last year just before summer.

I have to start from scratch AGAIN and I’m so tired of this having to be a lifelong struggle.

I don’t even wanna write the number. I’m tired of looking at it. I’m 194lbs on a 5’4 frame and female. I technically carry it “well” you probably wouldn’t guess that I weigh that much.

Im an active person. On my feet 4+ hours a day and working out. Despite what calorie trackers say, my body will not drop weight if I eat over 1300 calories. That’s so shitty. 1300??? I workout HARD. Not to mention I should require more just to maintain my body mass in general.

I’ve had my thyroid checked, it’s fine. It’s not my birth control either, I’ve been heavy longer than I’ve been on the pill.

So here’s to starting new, again, and figuring out this journey that needs to be lifelong

submitted by /u/anonymous_anxiety
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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