I’ve lost 7 lbs since Christmas!

Just thought I’d share my little victory. I know it isn’t a crazy amount but I am so happy that I’m finally getting somewhere! I’m 21F and I’d been the same weight for about 4 years (fluctuated between 156-160 lbs) and now I’m currently down to 149! I haven’t seen that number since high school.

I’ve always been that person who eats when they’re bored. I would also have to finish my plate even if I was full. Food was my comfort. Now I’ve found comfort in not feeling bloated all of the time.

I’ve tried and failed many times over the past few years to lose weight. I never had enough willpower. But seeing all of these amazing success posts and the impressive transformations in r/progresspics just made something click in me.

I used to always get discouraged when I would see my weight suddenly go up on the scale and just give up completely. But thanks to you guys, I’m now educated on how water weight works so thank you so much for that!

I’ve had an “overweight” bmi for a pretty long time now and I’m now only 9lbs away from a normal bmi and 19 lbs away from my goal weight! I also know losing weight can start to slow down after the first little while but I WON’T let it discourage me.

Thank you kindly for reading my word vomit. I’m glad to be a part of such a supportive community. Here’s to living a healthy life!

submitted by /u/13eautiiful
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2RCgY6y

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