How do I start losing weight as a disabled person?

I'm 20, and have EDS, so my mobility isn't great. I use crutches when walking around, because I get debilitating pain in my hips, knees, and ankles when I walk for too long. I definitely need to lose weight, but I feel like everything is stacked against me. I'm pretty poor, so I really only eat what's offered in my college's dining hall.

My current diet is admittedly pretty shitty. I usually eat a couple plain bagels in the morning, and then for dinner I end up eating a couple bagels again. I have some difficulties with food.

I just really don't know where to start, when my body constantly hurts from the most basic of moving around, and I have a hard time with food. Is anybody in a similar boat? What should I do?

submitted by /u/AshesAshesFallenDown
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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