30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 24

Hello lovely loseit community members!

March 24! Let’s talk goals!

Log weight in Libra and share here: 381.4, trend weight 381.4 lbs.

Fruit or veg with every meal, dessert once a week: Breakfast – Missed. Lunch – 🫐🍌🍊 Dinner – 🥦.

2,000-2,300 calories: On it if I can stay out of the snacks after dinner. That has been very challenging lately.

Log tomorrow’s meals: On it. Working on the weekly meal prepped meals as well to try and make the week ahead easier.

Don’t spend $ outside of preset weekly budget: On it.

Find a way to enjoy moving my body everyday: TBD. I’d like to get out in the garden and do some soil tilling today. All that soil could use some TLC. 11/24 days.

Today's gratitude or laugh list: Today, I’m grateful for the patience and understanding of the people around me, especially at work. I laughed at silly animal videos online during my lunch break.

Self-care activity for today: I am going to have a long everything shower this evening and be early to bed. I’ve been feeling a little bit like a wrung out sponge lately.

How was your day folks?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/aOhnsdc

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I have an issue with hunger. I have pcos and I noticed it makes me constantly hungry. I’m a diabetic because of it so I’m on a medication t...