Why’s it that I only overeat whenever I’m already overly full?

I’m currently in recovery from a BED so that could be playing a role in it. But this is something I’ve noticed and it confuses me completely. Usually I stick to a normal diet, 3 meals a day and all that. But whenever I’m forced to or accidentally eat more than I’d like (ex. Going out with friends, a party, a family dinner, ect) I always want to binge afterwards. It’s like I’m overly full and then just make it worse by eating even more! Even though I’m really not hungry and know it’ll make me feel bad. It’s like a gluttony demon just possesses me until I run out of food to eat, or I’m so sick I’ll throw up if I have another bite.

But surprisingly when I’m a little bit hungry before meals and eat just enough to be satiated, I never ever get a binge urge. Why’s that??

submitted by /u/Vivid_Grape3250
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/a7fcIuM

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