Stagnant Weight Despite Consistent Deficit and Gym Routine – Advice Needed!

Hey all, I could really use some advice or insights because I’m feeling pretty stuck right now.

For context: I’m male, 24 years old, 85kg, 187cm. I’ve been in a consistent calorie deficit for months, eating around 1900-2100 calories/day. I track carefully, weigh my food. Despite this, I’ve barely seen any movement on the scale since May—I’ve been hovering around 84-85 kg since then. As you can see here ( (not sure if posting a link is allowed), my weight has been sort of fluctuating between 83,5-85,5kg. I started going to the gym regularly since July, focusing on strength training 3 times a week and doing cardio 2 days a week.

My TDEE, according to my Apple Watch, is around 3150kcal/day on average (since August 1st). So I should be in a solid deficit. I’ve been getting stronger in the gym, and I’m definitely seeing progress in that area—but the scale won’t go down! My goal weight is 78kg or around there, so it's been pretty frustrating to be stuck at 85kg for so long.

What could be going wrong here? I don’t believe I’m 1000 calories off in my tracking every single day, so I doubt I’m just eating at maintenance without realizing it. I don’t feel like I’m eating that much more than I’ve calculated.

I’m wondering if it could be water retention, body recomposition, or metabolic adaptation? Has anyone experienced something similar? Should I adjust my calorie intake, try a different approach, or just ride this out? Would appreciate any advice, personal stories, or suggestions!

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/bonepasta
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