Is this sustainable?

25M. About a month and a half ago I decided to lose weight, the inspiration being my newborn daughter. Starting at 322 Lbs, I've dropped to 300. The first 5 weeks or so was just a failed diet that didn't do much, but did result in a loss of 8 Lbs or so. This last week I've worked out everyday consistently while also changing my diet to protein heavy, low calorie, low volume. I've been queried a few times about when I'll take a rest day, and my answer remains the same. I'll listen to my body and rest when I feel that I don't have the energy or like it's about to interfere with my daily life in terms of being too sore to do much. My question mainly is, could this be sustainable, or should i force a rest day? I'm getting protein intake, nutrient intake, my diet is fruits and veggies with lean protein and supplemented protein powder to help. I feel that im doing well personally and I've never been more confident nor motivated to keep at it while also trusting myself to rest when needed. Edit: Exercise mentioned includes running stairs, resistance training in about 1 1/2 dozen ways with bowflex and dumbells also. Push-ups, sit-ups & warmup exercies/stretches. Mainly strength training and stairs. I will also be taking a rest day two days a week from here on, I appreciate any and all insight!

submitted by /u/Mainvirus69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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