No issues working out, but when it comes to eating...

I am new to this thread and feel a bit embarrassed that I have come to the point where I need to lose weight and have realized I need help with some of my eating habits. I am 20 years old, 5’5, and I currently weigh 170 pounds which is the heaviest I have ever been. I have always been an athlete, and so I genuinely enjoy working out and pushing my body hard. When it comes to food, however, my habits completely overwhelm me and I feel like I can never win.

A year ago I was 140 pounds, which is the weight I had sustained for quite a long time and I felt good about, but still knew I could shed a few pounds. Forward to this past year, which has been very difficult for me mentally. I have struggled with depression for many years, and with the stress of college, I gained quite a bit of weight because I often turned to food.

Since I’ve been back home because of the pandemic, I’ve had some time to see my psychiatrist and have been able to work on getting myself out of that dark place. One of the many things that came up in our discussion were my issues with comfort/binge eating. I’ve also gotten back into a steady and challenging workout schedule, but the comfort/binge eating can ruin all of that.

Here’s how a day typically goes: in the morning I have steel cut outs with a bit of brown sugar and strawberries. I usually snack around lunch, on some nuts or a bar, and other times I have a full on meal but it is typically healthy. When it comes to dinner and dessert, that’s where it all goes down hill. I’ll have one plate, and then another, and then a little more. I then proceed to shove my face with dessert afterwards. I could even feel uncomfortably full and still continue to eat. I get so incredibly frustrated with myself afterwards...and I continue to stay at 170 and essentially nothing changes.

Every morning I vow not to indulge, but then I find myself succumbing again and again. I know I have what it takes to lose this weight, and I know I am capable of eating healthy and staying disciplined because I have done it before. But this is an issue that always finds its way back in, and I want to eradicate it once and for all.

I was hoping if anyone has had similar experiences...I’m really trying to nip this in the butt now, so I don’t have to deal with it 10 years down the road. I have considered going to see a nutritionist as well. I have also been recently keeping a journal about my eating habits. Any feedback is so appreciated and welcome, I look forward to anyone’s perspective! Thank you (-:

submitted by /u/calipeperoncino21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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