I'm really not a fan of my body right now.

I wrote this in my journal during a bout of sadness and shame, and I thought I'd post it here.

"I'm really not a fan of my body right now. I think the weight gain is a combination of a lot of factors. First, I think the new antidepressant I'm on has something to do with it. Second, I think my birth control implant added onto it. Third, having to leave college and finish out my freshman hear online was so stressful. Fourth, being in a relationship and having the "comfort phase" of eating a lot of take out and having larger portions than I really needed, or frankly, wanted. Fifth: one word- quarantine... I'm now out of school and can't find a job. I know these are mostly situations that are out of my control, but in reality, I'm the only person that can control my body now. I've gained over 35 pounds since November. Hopefully I'll be happy, healthy, and strong by this November."

submitted by /u/adjaru182
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3cq7lTA

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