I lost over one hundred pounds, AMA

Hi all,

I just finished finals and now have quite a bit of free time so I figured now would be a good time for something I have wanted to do for a long time, share my story and help people starting out. My weight gain started sophomore year in high school, I stopped playing sports and had quite a bit of emotional trauma from one of my best friends dying. All of these things constructed an environment where my daily caloric input would reach 4,000 sometimes 5,000 calories virtually all from binge eating. At my heaviest, senior year (4/10/2019), I weighed 291.1 (I am sure I weighed more but that was the biggest number from a scale.) Before spring break of my senior year I finally realized I had a problem and made a commitment to try to lose the weight.

I tried a couple diets but found that OMAD (one meal a day) to work the best. I would go to the grocery store after my last class and get a small meal, usually under 600 calories like sushi, and that would be my only food intake for that day. It was hard. The only reason I succeeded was due to being a second semester senior and all of my extra curricular activies coming to a close I could dedicate virtually all my energy to losing weight. I would go on two runs a day, one before school and one before bed. My goal was to be 200 pounds by late August 2019. It worked. Slowly but surely I met my goal.

If the journey taught me anything it showed me how strong I am capable of being. Starting OMAD was hard, I would have intense stomach pains and would think about food virtually all the time. What kept me committed was wanting to make my friend who passed proud, he talked to me about my weight a couple of times (always in a very respectful manner, unlike my parents) but when he passed I realized I needed to actually internalize what he told me and care about my health. The end of the journey is also wonderful, my outlook on the world has completely changed. As I lost the weight my mental health slowly improved and I finally feel mentally healthy again. I now weigh less than 180.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, I would like to think I used to be in a lot of yall's shoes.

submitted by /u/inceptioninreality
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3bpml2z

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Losing weight but NO centimeters

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