I know those mashed potatoes seem really, really appetizing right now...

But you're not depriving yourself of eating what you'd like forever, just until it doesnt even occur to you to snack late at night anymore. You'll pay as much mind to it as you do the price of rice in China. And besides, you had to make the change at some point, right? You knew the time would come where youd feel the temporary discomfort of adjusting to a reasonable diet, fot your health, to turn the tide against diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, excess estrogen in your body, imbalanced hormones. That was your last cheat meal, you said three years ago, a year ago, five months ago, for three weeks in a row. You said it yesterday, then ole cravings tickled your delight and you were off to the fridge again, like you didn'ttruly want to feel the joy of becoming who you really are.

In that moment, when you threw it all away for that extra slice of delight, that you'd already gotten over the second it reached your lips, you didn't care, did you? About yourself. Because the truth is it's not just about food, it's that you don't care enough to live how you really want to live because there seems nothing to care about.

There is though, you'll find it if you keep moving.

To love yourself is to love life. That's self love. Love life and you'll want to preserve it any way you can, by treating your body, your vehicle of transportation, as a responsible owner. You just gotta find out where you're driving to. Where do you want to go?

submitted by /u/EuphoricCity7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2LkMxB7

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