This is all should know about weight loss.

Its not as hard as people make it sound.

Its not about torturing yourself, its about loving yourself and feeding your body nutrition instead of crap.

Most of you are scared with the idea of dieting. You don’t have to follow a diet, you just need to stick to yummy home food and grilled food when you go out. Stop paying dieticians and following random stuff online, its not good if you’re not enjoying what you eat (specially if you are a foodie like me)

You don’t have to stop having food you like. I still eat chocolates, you just have to eat in moderation.

Leaving junk is not impossible. You are saving yourself from this stupid evolution of people feeding themselves on fast food instead of fresh and nutritious food.

Once you see the results, you will get addicted to it.

Healthy food is expensive! A healthy meal would be approx Rs. 300 whereas an unhealthy mac and cheese would be Rs. 100 or less than that. But you are saving yourself from medical bills worth lakhs in the future, so its an investment ;)

You’ll start researching a lot, and feel good that you’ve adapted to a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, you will eye people around you and think ‘why the hell are you feeding yourself that giant burger with so much cheese, why are you destroying your precious body?’ and no one will understand you. (May not be for all, I loved reading about everything I ate and everything I did)

Your skin becomes better, you start looking better, you start feeling better- its all worth it.

submitted by /u/ericwilliams34577
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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