Father has been trying to lose weight all his life but is still over weight and I hate to see him keep failing and unhealthy. How can I help him?

My father has been overweight all his life. He lost weight for his wedding and that was it. He’s 5’6ish and 240lbs. He carries all his weight in his gut and it’s quite the large circumference. He’s 55 now and I’m very concerned for his health and so is he! This has been a constant battle his entire life. I’ve seen him try so many different things, weight watchers, Atkins, meal replacement shakes, seen nutritionists, taken tests. He did ketochow for several months and didn’t lose a pound. How is this possible?!!!! I do not agree with his fad diet choices. He is very stubborn and swears by Atkins even though it has never worked for him. I’m trying to get him to track his calories through my fitness pal and get him to understand no Matter what “diet” he is on, he needs to be in a calorie deficit to lose the weight. Does anybody have some advice I can share with my father ?

submitted by /u/purplepancakes7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2HB396Y

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