Looking for food addiction advice

Hi all, I'm new here and am hoping for a bit of advice if anyone is willing to share. I was an average size growing up but when I reached adulthood, I started gaining weight. I, a 5' 6" female, am now in my early 30s and just shy of 300 pounds. I can easily admit to being a food addict... started with what I thought of as "typical comfort food" that has turned into an endless cycle of eating like crap, feeling like crap, then wanting to eat more crap to distract myself from how I feel. As miserable as it makes me, I find it harder and harder to focus on a goal (even a small one) and stick to it. There have been times where I have lost some of the weight but I always gain it back... and then some.

If I stray even a little bit, I find myself on a very steep, very slippery slope. How do you manage to not give in to the constant onslaught on bad food choices that are all too easy to make? How do you handle family get togethers like holidays or birthdays, or normal family dinners in some case? I'm interested in reading what you all have done to keep on track, or how you get back on track when you've lost focus.

submitted by /u/savismith
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GrCs4b

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How do I get the urge to eat to go away (hormone related)?

I learned self control with food, and learned to enjoy exercise. I lost 60-70 pounds in total and I've gained back 5 (185 to now 190). ...