Teen Weightloss Update: Additional Info, Starting a Bullet Journal, stuck on the same weight, Bad decisions and more..
ITS 2019!!
In my previous post which I wrote about 3 months ago i talked about what pushed me to lose weight at 13 years old. How I felt and what I tried to do, now I have an update which will also include ways I motivate myself to continue my weightloss or even keep up my mood and stay focused.
(Last Post : https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/9pw01t/any_help_for_my_weightloss_teen/?utm_source=reddit-android )
(I won't be rewriting all the details so if you haven't read it- it's worth checking out for all the info)
But a quick recap: •I'm 13 years old •Female •164cm (5ft4) •And used to weigh 77.2kg
Something I didn't mention in my last post is that I had a few months of binge watching YouTube weightloss stories and weightloss/fitness related content.
It got me curious so I even looked at weightloss from as much as a 100lbs or as much as 20lbs weightloss. Knowing of course that for each weightloss it was different just as for each person.
And when I mean I binged videos I mean that if I wasn't sleeping or at school I was probably watching them or listening to them in the background. It became a pass time and hobby.. kind of like a little light bulb whenever I had time "Oh! Time for weightloss videos!".
It came to the point where I ran out of videos to watch. By this I mean I ran out of videos that thought/told me new things. So i took a small break from that.
I remember the first few days I started to binge those videos I found a YouTube channel called Jordan Camilla.
In one of her videos she talked about how she had started a Weightloss Journal/Log when she got into losing weight.
At first I thought this idea was a bit odd.. But then I took the time to make my own Journal.
I grabbed the first unused A4 copy I found on my shelf and grabbed some markers.
I went onto Pinterest and went into a weightloss motivation board I had made and started to write down quotes and tips in the journal..
Now- you may think "why write everything down instead of having it on your phone?". Well, to answer that I've always been the person to have to write things out/rathered to write them out physically or else I forgot about them, plus this gave me an opportunity to get creative And make something I could customise and make my own!
On the inside of the cover I have written the date I started my weightloss/started making my big steps towards it ; 3rd September 2018.
I have a space for the day I reach my weight goal/the day I am finally happy with my weight.
Also thought it would be good to keep a space to reflect.. explain how I felt during this and talk about all the times I lost hope and then got back up again.. there were many of those and probably be more to come, but I'll always make sure to get back up because I know it's possible looking at all the progress I have made!!
A few pages into the Journal there's and page with boxes (30 boxes going from 76kg-47kg (167lbs-103lbs)- inside these boxes are numbers.. these are written in kg. For every kilogram (around 2lbs) I lose I get to cross it out, and I dont know about you but I love crossing off things I have achieved/completed. It gives me an extra push to try and see when is the soonest time I can cross another box off.
Although officially my goal was 47kg (103lbs), I am now more focused on feeling and looking good/healthy.
I currently weigh around 66.6kg (146lbs). So as you can see that's roughly 10kg (20lbs). Which I'm really proud of.. I really am. But I have lost and gained about 1 or 2 kg In the past months. This being going up and now down again. (December 2018).
Yet I expected to go up a little and then just get back to working out and getting healthy. Yet my body reached a weight I haven't been at before which is my current weight.
In all honesty I haven't been eating the best this past month.. whenever bored or peckish I grabbed a sweet... or two.. or three.. or a handful! My portion size got a tiny tiny tiny bitBigger i think. And i stopped going on my regular 5K walks/jogs. Yet I didn't get too upset because I knew I was taking a break. The holiday season was a bit stressful for me but that's a different topic.
In November my cardio routine changed. My bestfriend had joined me and my mother in these 50 minute escapades.. she's much smaller than me- in both ways.. she's shorter and smaller, yet she wanted to get fitter and lose a bit of extra weight. Of course I explained to her what I understood about weightloss.
If I'm correct it's harder and takes longer to lose weight when you're small to begin with.. correct?
Anyways with her we decided to add HIIT to our cardio.
The path we take to run at night (approx 7 or 8 pm) is lit by lamp posts. (Poles?). These are spread out across the path. We go up and down it jogging one and walking one. Sometimes we would jog 2 walk one every now and then.
I talked to her and we have decided to change it permanently to jog one and walk one... is this a good idea? We are able to do it perfectly fine and we stay focused by listening to music or using the Zombies Run app that was recommended to me on my last post. We both actually really enjoy it. So much that I got a subscription so that I could get new episodes daily.
Everything written above I have wrote over a month ago, now things have changed.. And no I didn't lose anything.. although I was hoping to.. in January we were both busy (my bestfriend and i) so we didn't go out on the jogs much. But we have decided that in February we will go every night if possible and try to eat less.. yet as I write this I have just eaten a big breakfast and a small slice of cake since my mother's birthday was on the 1st of February and we cut the cake today.
As I talked about my Workout journal earlier I don't think I mentioned my bullet journal. But to save you the unneeded information I'll make it short and sweet.
I have a habit tracker page. In it there is a section for exercise ; 30 Bicep curls (each hand with a 2kg (approx.4lbs) weight, 20 squats, 5k jog and 2l of water. Now it's currently only the 3rd of February and it's been going okay so far each day marking them off I still feel the need to post here.
And I know I may be just blabbering complete nonsense, but I lost my motivation- MOST importantly I lost my Disciplin and habits I made after my last post. The support, tips and help motivated me, a lot.
I know everyone always says don't put a date on your goal.. But I want to get to a healthy weight in which I look and feel good. I want to be more active and take part in school sports (I don't currently because I'm really insecure and uncomfortable.. )
I want to achieve that.. before my summer holidays which I believe begin sometime in May.
Well I won't be upset if I'm only a little away from my goal but if I have another 10kg (20lbs) left to lose I honestly don't know what I'll do.
Can I lose around 40lbs in 3-4 months? Probably yes. But I'm going to have to push myself and honestly im so fed up with being overweight and the big girl...
Please leave some advice or share/link to your own similar stories if possible..
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2SjhPgR
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