Lost 46lbs :) and wondering where to focus now

Hey Loseit!

Starting in August last year I decided to take better care of myself. Through the last 17 years I've been slowly putting on weight from around 185lbs to about 249lbs at my worst. So now with 35years, 6ft and about 235lbs I decided to do something about it.

Regarding weight loss, what I did was starting to track my calorie intake and aim at 1500 a day, and reduced the amount of candy/sugar/breads/etc. It was hard, often I feel a bit hungry and still have some cravings but I try to drink water/tea or have some small dried fruit or something and not candy/chocolate/sandwich like before. My meals are now almost half of what they were. Quickly I started to see some results and was losing about 2lbs per week in the beginning, now it's not as much per week but it's still close. After about 33lbs I started to notice a big difference, and it was giving me a lot of confidence and motivation to keep going. Throwing away most of my clothes and getting some good fitting ones was amazing!

It's important to note that this did not start because I wanted to lose weight. I knew I was overweight for a long time, but something shifted in my mind and I realized that I could be a better version of myself. So a lot of other things changed and improved regarding self-care, weight loss was just one of them. This may be relevant for you if you're struggling with weight loss, it may be just a symptom of something else that you have to address first.

Now, 5 months later I'm at 189 lbs I'm still keeping my current calorie intake although I've stopped tracking it around month 3 since I realized I was consistently doing 1500 without 'concerns'. I think I want to continue but I'd like to shift my focus a bit to body fat reduction. I did not do any training through the process so far, but have started doing some 30min workout sessions about 3 times per week. Based on my scale and some tape measurements I'm at about 19%. Ideally I'd like to go to about 14% I think, but I'm not sure exactly what to do now. I'm still a bit unhappy about some fat around the belly, but in general I now actually like looking at the guy in the mirror. Regarding food, I like the amount I eat now, but I understand 1500 a day is not healthy for me in the long run.

I know I should have my own goals, and the important thing is that I'm happy with myself but I was wondering if you'd have any insights/experience to share.

Tldr; Lost 46lbs in 5 months, wanted to share my experience, and I'm also wondering what my goals now could be.

submitted by /u/Mindvalve
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GoLWNz

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