Discouraged that my weight loss isn’t at all noticeable to me, let alone anyone else.

I’ve been obese for the majority of my adult life. At 24 I’m 427lbs. I’ve lost 15lbs and I feel awful. I made it a month binge free and when I realized I couldn’t notice my weight loss at all or feel it, I binged. I’m in therapy and talk to my doctor regularly but idk why this happened. I’m ashamed I feel like I threw it all away. Also upset that with a loss I didn’t feel different or look even slightly different. I see and hear people say how 10 or 15, 20lbs makes them feel different slightly or clothes are looser, but not me. My clothes fit the same. I still feel bloated, I quit regular soda over a month ago and I’m about to give up diet but I’m so discouraged. I feel swollen and puffy. My chins are still huge and prominent. I just feel like I’m going to be like this forever.

submitted by /u/makeuplover1648
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Gigel0

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