Can anyone recommend some healthy restaurants in Edinburgh?

So, two golden opportunities for joy lie like mystical crustaceans at my feet. One is that I am going to Edinburgh for a week on the ninth. The other is that the next stone I lose will put my BMI in the 20's for what is probably the first time in over half a year. However, how to combine the two so that I can have a fun, yet health-conscious, holiday? How to eat in a manner delicious enough to befit the beautiful capital of Scotland, and yet not drive myself neurotic about the calories?

That is why I turn to you, r/loseit. I am desperate for any and all recommendations of health-conscious Edinburgh restaurants - ideally ones which display the calories of any given meal on the menu. I would be eternally indebted to anyone who can help me with this - save me, r/loseit, you're my only hope!

submitted by /u/WarHasSoManyFriends
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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