Lost 30lbs naturally/relatively easy

I'm mid aged male, 6', now 180lbs. Was 215 most of my adulthood. I changed my diet but nothing dramatic. I grew up as kid eating carbs n sugar like tomorrow (Soup? yeah, with a stack of 20.l saltines. Breakfast? Capt'n Crunch & white toast)

Sugar/simple carbs wreak havoc on my mood (main motivation). Tho lazy,exercise is my mood/ weight med. Basics for 10-12 minutes (push ups etc) KEY is finish w/ 40 seconds full on cardio (I sprint up slight hill).

I casually-aim for Mediterranean Diet now. Make iced mocha, but add teaspoon of mitragyna leaf. Americans call it kra tom It gets a bad rap sometimes, b/c some kids do elephant portions buzzseeking. (Too much/often goes south, like with anything.) But ONE teaspoon few days week, powerful tool. In fact appetite suppressant and mood/energy boost decrease w/ higher amounts if look into the science. Surely other plant meds out there too. Frustrates me to hear so much talk of new Rx drugs when no one knows long term sides (not to mention 1000x more expensive).

Only issue now, is I eat great all day but stuff myself at midnight (ingrained lifetime habit)- so next I'll chip away at this.

submitted by /u/Ok_College_3635
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Lost 30lbs naturally/relatively easy

I'm mid aged male, 6', now 180lbs. Was 215 most of my adulthood. I changed my diet but nothing dramatic. I grew up as kid eating ca...