Calorie deficit.

Hi, I(Mid 20s Male) am 6'2" and weigh approx 110kg as of this morning, I've been calorie counting consistently since the 7th of March starting at 113kg in the morning after the toilet.

Basically I'm trying to figure out what my calorie deficit should be, I'm currently running a 2500 calorie per day budget but the weight loss seems a touch fast after reading alot of the posts on here.

I have a very active job and walk 10k steps most days, I'm not struggling to maintain this diet but I've read it's unhealthy to be losing weight that rapidly? Approx 1.5kg per week that is. I know the rate will slow down eventually (as I've lost weight in the past and regained it) but I just want to make sure I'm not doing any damage to my self along the way yano?

Either way what do we think my budget should be? Should I leave it as is and have wiggle room etc?

submitted by /u/BalianofReddit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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