Indecisive about goal weight

F, 163cm, 60kg. I've been advised that my max BMI should be 23 (around 61kg) so initially my goal weight was 58kg which is a couple kilos under the max weight and allows room for weight fluctuations without going over the max weight. But now I'm close to my goal weight, I'm thinking of changing it to 55kg which is in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height/weight/ethnicity.

I still have a bit of a tummy and I'm wondering if losing a few more kilos would make a difference or if I should stick with my initial goal of 58kg (given I've struggled with my weight most of life) and focus on lifting weights instead. Overall, I'm not sure if I'm being too picky with the numbers?

submitted by /u/grl9096
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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