Focus on Cardio ?

I'm a 5'4 M and around 155 lbs. I've lost probably around 60 lbs from my highest point. The first 30 lbs were quick and the other 30 lbs took a while. I've mostly been doing lifting with a little bit of cardio, now I would like to lose an additional 20 lbs.

I've stagnated for a while and I'm not getting stronger either. With the limited time I have during the day due to school/work/other responsibility, should I focus on cardio to lose the other 20 lbs ? I want to build muscle but, doing it on a deficit is quite hard for me due to lack of energy. So I rather get down by a lot to then eat to build muscle.

The food I eat is pretty healthy although sometimes I can't track it due to family member making it. I probably track around 60% of my calories. I've lost weight mostly by portion control and drinking 0 calories drinks.

Any advice or thoughts ? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Own_Delivery_1246
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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