Sleep apnea, anxiety, and covid are my motivation to lose weight.

Im 6'3 and 247 pounds. That doesn't sound to bad until you factor in a few things. With sleep apnea I have a hard time falling asleep as I wake up when I stop breathing. That brings on some anxiety, as well as anxiety from working in the medical field during this glorious time, and anxiety from covid on two fronts - getting it in general, and that it can cause breathing problems. Theres news that those who are overweight are at a bigger risk of coming down with it.

I am having a hard time falling asleep from all of this. I know if I could lose an extra 50lbs or so I would feel a lot better, a little more in control, and I wouldn't worry as much. I have a vocal condition that blocks half my air way thats not doing my situation any better. My ENT said weight gain will put more pressure on the throat making breathing more difficult.

My plan

Bare minimum

  • CICO. Shooting for 1600 a day using my fitness pal

  • Better eating choices. I have kicked alcohol for 2 months at this point. Thats less liquid calories. I dont drink pop, only tea and water. I am going to kick that flavor squirt stuff and stick to just regular water or tea.

  • Bring healthy snacks to D&D - Right now at D&D I get bad cravings and I start munching down on the junk food thats there. 250 calories per pack of sour airheads. I have 2 of them and thats 1/3 of my daily calories. I eat way more then that though... It is honestly my worse night of the week for eating.

  • Supplements - Daily multivitamin, daily vitamin D, look into some fat burners as well. No caffeine as that makes my tinnitus worse.


  • Elliptical workout - I can sit on my ass and pedal away while watching netflix or playing a video game. Right now if I do it to long my knees start to kill me for a few days. I hope to build them up so I can do it 3-4 times a week.

  • Ab roller - help with some lower back issues and strengthen my core.

  • Kettle bells - Ive got a nice 25 lbs one thats fun to work with. Build some muscle to help burn fat faster.

  • Dumbbells - Ive got 2 20s and 2 25s that could add some variety to my work outs.

The last time I lost weight I was doing well. I had 3 morning farms sausage patties for breakfast, salad and fish for lunch, and something light at night. I still have some fish left but Im going through some chicken before that. The first two weeks are always the hardest to start and make a change but heres to a good start!

submitted by /u/NickeKass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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