Macronutrients diet advice

I've been viewing alot of conflicting articles and videos saying i need to eat more carbs. Im cutting for the first time and couldn't bulk the past year or workout at all cause of injury. So i'm just trying to gain a little muscle while burning off what i think is 20-25 % fat on my 187lbs 6"2 frame. I'm currently on a 2000 calories a day with 175g carbs 175g protein and about 60 grams of fat. All healthy foods. Run everyday or so and weight train at least three times a week?

Should i be taking in 250 grams of carbs or more that these sites say and change up the other macros or if i stick the same will i drop to 10-15% body fat in 3-4 months?

submitted by /u/abramsc32
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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