Finally found a good substitute for candy

I’m in a foreign country right now with a very strict quarantine. Grocery stores have very limited hours and are frequently out of fruits and veggies so it’s been a struggle for me to eat as clean as id like. My downfall has always been candy. I have a hardcore sugar addiction and I am working on cutting back, but it’s hard for me right now due to stress and circumstances.

Anyway I was surveying what I had left in the apartment and I concluded that the closest thing to candy I could find was green apple slices and strawberry jello powder and holy Jesus it’s incredible. It honestly tastes just like candy.

You don’t need much of the powder either, just a tablespoon for a full apple. I tried putting it on grapes too and that is also really good! I think I’m going to keep doing this even when I go back to the United States.

I hope this can help someone who’s as sugar addicted as I am.

submitted by /u/junegloom23
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