Dieting habits of a "naturally skinny" person

22 female here. I am only slightly underweight (.2-.4 BMI underweight) and I’m pretty short so I usually don’t need to eat very much in a day to keep myself sustained. I practice IF (although I would say I slip up and have a midnight snack of apples or carrots maybe once or twice a week, NBD). But essentially, my schedule is I start eating at 12:00pm and stop at around 7:00pm. On this particular day, I had:


  • 1 Dave’s Killer Everything Bagel (LOVE this brand. It’s high in fiber, whole grains, protein, and low in preservatives)
  • Kite Hill vegan chive cream cheese (I use around 1 serving, maybe a little less, but yeah I love cream cheese but my lactose intolerance is especially bad when it comes to cream cheese so I stick to the vegan alternative and this brands tastes the best)

Snack 1:

  • 1 apple
  • 28 almonds (I count out one serving basically. When it comes to nuts I make sure I get the ones that only have 1 or 2 ingredients on the label)

Snack 2:

  • Health Aide Bubbly Rose Kombucha (this is the BEST flavor imo even though it’s slightly higher in sugar but it tastes so good and honestly I’m such a slow drinker this lasts me a while)


  • Homemade salad: a handful of arugula and spinach, shredded carrots, a little bit of diced cucumber, pecans, feta cheese, topped with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper
  • Homemade chicken salad sandwich (2 slices of thin Dave’s Killer bread, and in the chicken salad I put shredded chicken breast, Japanese mayo, dijon mustard, dried cranberries, diced carrot, parsley, onion, salt, pepper, and apple cider vinegar)
  • Roasted broccoli


  • Around half a serving of cheesecake (I know, I said I was lactose intolerant but there’s been a decent amount of cheese, but it was my graduation recently and my mom bought my favorite cheesecake so I’m gonna eat it)
  • RX bar

Total calorie count: ~1,400

So a couple of notes:

I’m usually semi-conscious of the foods that I put into my body which is why I try to find foods that have more natural ingredients with minimum preservatives and additives. It’s not perfect since obviously I snack and I still eat bread and cheesecake, but honestly I’d rather eat mostly clean rather than beat myself up and be super strict about every little thing. Plus, my sweet tooth is pretty strong, so I found that the best balance for me personally is to just sprinkle a little bit of sweets into my meals every day. I used to try to restrict myself from added sugars 6/7 days and then binge once a week, but I found that it didn’t really help me curb my sweet tooth the other 6 days as much as I thought it would, so this is the balance I’ve personally struck.

I actually do eat more than my BMR (around 1,281 assuming a completely sedentary lifestyle), but I also exercise 6 days of the week doing around 40minutes to an hour of HIIT cardio/abs/lower body/etc, which has risen my metabolism even on days I don’t exercise. This is why even on days I don’t exercise (like today), I don’t significantly alter my diet based on whether I exercise that particular day or not. The only difference is on days I exercise instead of having those two snacks, I’ll usually make a protein smoothie (my favorite at the moment is low-fat greek yogurt, unsweet almond milk, 1 package of raspberries, 1 scoop protein powder, 1tbsp chia seeds, 1tbsp flax seeds, and 1 frozen banana. So good!)

I’m definitely a creature of habit in the sense that, even if I’m not eating those exact items, I tend to eat at the same times each day (my body just gets hungry at these times now) and I eat generally the same types of foods at each meal. Breakfast is mainly carb, fiber, and fats, snacks are high in fruits, dinner is mainly vegetables, meat, and some carb/fat, and dessert is just whatever I’m in the mood for that day. I have found though, that over the summer when I was interning (and working essentially 15-18 hours a day), I had to eat much earlier and much later in the day and my body became used to that schedule and craved foods at those times. Basically, my body naturally likes sticking to a routine.

Finally, you’ve probably noticed by now, but I am definitely NOT naturally skinny. I make very conscious choices about what I put into my body, but beyond that I also alter my environment around me to induce healthier eating habits (surrounding myself with natural foods, limiting the purchase and thus accessibility to junk foods, creating a habit of eating at certain times, etc.) It doesn’t all come naturally, even if I do have a slight predisposition to preferring healthy foods/portion controlling, and there are some nights where I struggle with wanting a late night snack (not that it’s bad to late night snack necessarily in my opinion).

I hope, if nothing else, this was an interesting read! I’m always open to hearing any suggestions to my diet as well as any questions about my lifestyle.

submitted by /u/omycheez
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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