Anxiety over gaining weight?

Hey all - I need advice from others in the same boat.

Over the past two years I have lost about 90 pounds (200 to 110ish). I feel for the most part I did it healthily. I exercised about 30 minutes a day, daily walks, and gradual calorie reduction.

That worked great but then I plateaued. The plateau upset me but I know it happens. Then for a week I gained weight. Turned out to be water weight but it really freaked me out.

I have been overweight my entire life until about a year ago when I hit the technical healthy weight, and since the week where I gained water weight I have been super anxious about gaining weight again and going back to my obese self, so much so that I started weighing myself daily so I can track my weight trend.

Does anyone else have this anxiety? If so, how are you combating it?

submitted by /u/CarpeDiem729
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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