Started going to the gym last week, need advice regarding leg pains.

Hi, first post here.

So, some backstory. I decided that March would be the month that I would start to better myself. I'm eating approximately 1,200 calories a day and I started going to the gym last week with a goal of going at least 4 times a week.

I wanted to start with what I was most familiar with: the treadmill and today I encountered the same predicament that I've encountered time and time again.

This past week I've done about 15 or so minutes on a stationary bike and then I hop on the treadmill for about 30-45. Within the first 5-10 minutes on the treadmill (incline: 1.5, speed: 3.5, sometimes going down to 2.5) my lower calves start to tighten up. Today what appeared to help was for about 5-7 minutes I increased the incline to 7.5, speed to 2.5 and hiked up the treadmill.

This seemed to gradually decrease the pain and then I was able to walk my normal incline w/ a speed of 3.5 for 20 minutes. Is there any way to stop my calves from tightening up like that? I've heard that potassium can help but i'm not really a lover of bananas.

Any advice? Thanks in advance, I can add more details if needed!

submitted by /u/thewitchof-el
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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