I grew up well off having all types of foods kids love, then suddenly my parents moved me to a 3rd world country where I lived in a big family. I stopped getting a lot of the food I loved due to money and many other reasons. So when times were good and I got a taste of yummy food, I was so worried about it being taken away again I would eat double, triple helpings. Also living in a big family, I had to eat all the food instantly or I knew it would finish.
My parents were both working so while there was lunch there was never any dinner. We either just had a snack or some fruit, never developed a habbit of having that final meal for the day.
Kids in school always got bigger and better lunches than me, so 90% of my time in school I was dreaming about food.
I was never obese as a child, not at all. it took a good 10 years for me to get obese.
Then around a decade later I moved again to a first world country. I was 16 then so for the first time had my own income and was allowed to buy my own food. And boy did I buy :D. It was just such a life changing experience that I wanted to savour it so badly and thats when the pounds started gaining.
So here is what I think the deeprooted cause of my obesity is: This idea that if I didn't consume all the food around me now, it would go away and I would never get it later.
I"ve noticed whenever my diets have failed this mindset is the culprit. So I am going to be working on it from now on!!
Interested to hear what you guys think avout yourselves.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2UAeoj9
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