I had the worst possible week ever BUT..

This week was the absolute worst. To start with, my dad became very ill and ended up needing to be hospitalized all out of the blue. On top of that, I had a big exam approaching. As you can imagine, all of this sudden stress hit me like a wave and I ended up stress eating like crazy, sleeping only 1-2 hours in a whole day to finish preparing for my exams, and the relentless worry as I would spend hours at the hospital to make sure my dad was doing better. The stress got to the point my period ended up coming a week early as well! But, you know what? I still did it. I have been dieting and exercising for a whole year now and for the first time ever, reacted to one of the worst situations in a totally different way:

-Instead of throwing away a whole week of calorie counting under the excuse of "this week being already a mess", I ended up restraining myself and only had 2 bad days!

-Instead of deciding exercise was no longer a priority in all this anymore, I would take my exam notes with me during my long walks and during my study sessions, would take a 10 minute break every few hours to do some stretches and yoga.

-Instead of looking at myself in the mirror after this long week and telling myself the damage was irreversible and I should just give up, I instead told myself that "this was doable" and all I would need was a week to make it right!

-Instead of blaming myself and my weight for my inability to control my eating habits when I hit a rough point in my life, I spoke KINDLY to myself and told myself my response was normal and reasonable as I was expected to deal with a lot in such a short time.

And yesterday marked the end of that horrid week and my dad was discharged from the hospital good as new and I ended up acing my exam. But most importantly, immediately after all that all I could think about was going back to my normal routine and the next day, I ended up hitting my calories and completing my exercises with ease. I am blown away with how different I have become during this whole journey. Just last year all these terrible decisions I stated above were always my go to when things got rough.

Now, I crave healthy eating and exercise and it has become such an integral part of my life. My sibling who also suffered during this week, admired my persistance to go forward and asked if we could start over together (and we now are!). I have a month left until my next weigh in, and all I need is a week to undo all this damage, but even if I needed a whole year I am ready :) I refuse to give up because I have already come this far and I KNOW I can do it.

Felt like sharing. The change long term is real and never give up!

submitted by /u/scapegoat101_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2DRbK3a

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