First time ever at a healthy BMI! 83 lbs down thanks to this sub

21F/5'9" 251lbs-->168lbs= -83lbs

size 18/1X--> size 8/M

progress pics (underwear so NSFW)

It took me longer than I planned but I finally crossed over into the healthy BMI category this morning! I've been obese since childhood and I never thought that I'd be able to reach this point. I tried so many different diets in high school and did keto in my freshman year of college (spring 2016) for about 4 months but eventually quit during a plateau and gained all of the weight back plus an extra 25lbs. At that point I had given up on ever losing weight because keto made me feel horrible and I didn't think I would be able to go the rest of my life without eating carbs.

I am so grateful that I stumbled across this subreddit in Jan 2018! The keto subreddit back then had never really explained anything about calories or TDEE so I had no idea that I could lose weight without completely cutting out carbs. Under everyone's recommendations I started tracking calories with Loseit and was able to lose an average of 1.5-2lbs per week for the past 13 months despite a few plateaus. My tentative plan is to lose about 10 more pounds to get rid of some more lower belly fat and maintain around 155lbs. I'll decide once I get there since I've never been this small post puberty so I have no idea what I'll look like.

No matter what just don't give up! Sometimes weight loss stalls and and it feels like CICO isn't working but if you're confident in your tracking/deficit then you will get there eventually! There were some months when the scale wasn't moving and I felt like quitting but if I had then I would never have passed 220 or 200 and reached where I am today!

Tldr- Lost 80+ pounds in the last 13 months by counting calories. Eat what makes you feel best/is sustainable long term (even if that means moderate/high carbs) and don't give up if you aren't seeing results yet!

submitted by /u/Depressingdreams
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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