Anyone else struggle with their diet?

Hi there! I’m trying to start this whole weight loss thing, and want to lose about 20 pounds. I’ve exercised before somewhat regularly and enjoy it quite well, so I’m confident I can successfully start up an exercise routine. I love working out and I’m excited to try it some more. But diet is something I’ve always struggled with, mainly because I’ve never been able to stay within moderation. I’ve tried calorie counting and limiting desserts and carbs, and at one point I tried cutting out sugar entirely. (This ended with me eating a whole bunch of sugar after less than a week). I’m not really looking for a crash diet at this point. I’m looking for a way to change the way I eat so that every time I do eat junk food, it doesn’t go overboard.

Generally for me, sugar is the culprit (I’m low key addicted) and once I start I usually only stop when my stomach can’t handle more. I know, it sounds bad. Typing it is making me realize how bad it sounds. The way my family has always eaten never suggested moderation. Having a couple cookies every day while they exist, and repeating with every other snack or dessert that enters the house, is kind of how we do things and always have.

This is a lot longer than I thought it would be. Basically, I’m a very all or nothing person when it comes to controlling my diet, and more often than not I end up giving to cravings without thinking of the long term consequences. Do any of you have some advice on how to handle this? Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/biohazardhoe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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