What should I be doing now to ensure I can transition to Maintenance later?

Hey loseit

I'm only about half-way to my goal weight. But I've been seeing posts/information about how your metabolism ends up more efficient, so your TDEE lowers when you start restricting. Someone else mentioned the "Reverse Dieting" method.

But I'm just wondering what I should be doing now to make sure that I can maintain when the time comes?

Losing weight has been relatively "easy", I just have to eat less than my maintenance calories. But I really don't want to end up just gaining back all the efforts I make, because I didn't think to do something earlier.

I'd love to hear about people's experiences with maintenance, and anything they wish they knew earlier?

submitted by /u/Rae_Starr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2I2xRrB

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