Criticism from people who know nothing about calories

I'm sooo tired of my family constantly commenting on what I eat, especially when what they're saying is just blatantly wrong.

My dad yesterday got stuffy with me for having a burger for dinner two days in a row, saying 'what happened to losing weight' and 'are you trying to get bigger'. At the same time, he was loading a huge bowl of pasta for himself. My burger had 400 calories, rounding up. The portion size of his pasta looked like 1,000+ alone, not to mention he drenched it in olive oil and took an entire 1L bottle of juice to have with it.

Sure, a burger isn't the healthiest, but for the rest of the day I only ever eat fruits and maybe a sandwich or something. I'm a very picky eater due to autism and there are very few foods I can 'safely' eat, and I can quite happily eat the exact same thing for days if not weeks in a row. At the same time I have a daily allowance of 1,200kcal and have been happily maintaining that.

submitted by /u/sy_paper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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