Does anyone else wake up from being hungry?

Like the title asks, is anyone else waking up multiple times at night from being hungry? I (44m) have been in a medical weight management program since the first week of December and have been averaging about 900-1100 calories per day with the meal replacements that I am on. The macro breakdown has averaged 41% carbs, 23% fat and 36% protein. Everything has been going pretty well, with my biweekly blood work looking great, my blood pressure getting back into normal range, and losing a smidge over 70lbs (369lb sw -> 298lb cw) since I started.

However, over the past few months I have gone from maybe walking 1-1.5k steps per day and now I'm doing 10k+ steps per day, including about half of that while carrying a 50lb pack on my back. Over the next few weeks I hope to be able to do all 10k with the pack. I was trying to offset all the weight I lose by adding weight to a pack and lugging that bastard around with me on my walks, but I can only carry 50lbs in the backpack I'm using, which is the main reason why I don't have 71lbs in there.

I'm still about 4 weeks out from adding another 90 daily calories to my meal plan, but I'm finding that my overall hunger and food noise has returned with a vengeance over the past couple of weeks. Not quite as bad as when I first started the program, but pretty close. I'm doing more blood work this week and meeting with my Dr next week and will ask her what she thinks. Until then, are there any tips/tricks on avoiding waking up hungry AF at 2am or do I just need to power through?

Note: I'm aware 1000 calories is not sustainable long term, and I'll be reintroducing some "normal" food at the end of the month including adding 150 kcal from lean protein, non starchy vegetables and healthy fat per day. Ultimately, I'll work up to a total of about 1500 kcal per day. The new gym down the street that we joined is opening around the same time and I'll start some resistance training once I can add the extra protein to my diet.

submitted by /u/Schadenfreude_Taco
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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Does anyone else wake up from being hungry?

Like the title asks, is anyone else waking up multiple times at night from being hungry? I (44m) have been in a medical weight management p...