Advice for unplanned significant weight loss

I am a 21 F, 5'8, and I've lost a noticeable amount of weight over the past year.

**trigger warning mentions of eating disorders and unhealthy weight loss**

I used to weigh around 200 lbs at the beginning of 2023. Around the end of the Summer of 2023, my mental health took a significant dive and I stopped eating pretty much altogether over the month of August, and this habit continued as I went back to University, and was in a really shitty relationship while also working part-time.

I am currently about 160 lbs, and still dropping, I've read online anything beyond a 5% drop in weight per year is unhealthy, and I've dropped somewhere between 20-25% as of right now.

okay so here is the issue (besides the obvious mental health ones) I've received some help in regard to my mental health, and I'm on medication to help manage my anxiety and depression. However, I still don't feel a lot of desire to eat, and I actually have developed a lot of anxiety around eating food. I really don't want to put on the weight I've lost again, because I've always wanted to lose weight, and I'd still like to continue losing weight, but maybe in a healthier way. if I start eating at the recommended calorie count again, will I gain it all back? I've heard that after periods of significant fasting food 'sticks' to you and I'd prefer to avoid that.

Eating disorders and addictive behaviors run in my family, my mother has a binge eating disorder, and my aunts have bulimia and anorexia, so I know that what I'm doing here are symptoms of an eating disorder, but maybe I can nip that in the bud before it gets to a significant issue like it did with my mother/aunts.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you all!

submitted by /u/MenaGirl1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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