Short ladies, how do you deal?

5'1" female, cw 153 gw 135. Age 30.

I have the appetite of a grown ass man.

I love eating. I don't use it for comfort, just pleasure in life. I love cooking, going out and buying nice meals (infrequently), and eating to satiety.

I'm having trouble coping with the fact that if I want to achieve and maintain a healthy BMI, I'll need to track carefully what I eat ETERNALLY.

I've been doing CiCo since November and I got down to 147 and was so thrilled... Only to relax because of my success and get back up to 153 in a month (could partly be a flux? I weigh myself like once a month because I have insane anxiety around weighing myself as it can and did absolutely ruin my week)

I am extremely dejected but I'm not giving up. But. I feel like I won't be able to freely enjoy life because of this. Has anyone else felt like this?

PS I work out 6 days a week. Before CiCo it was mostly strength training but since CiCo it has been excessive cardio (1-2 hours daily) just so I can eat and not feel deprived (either earning meals or punishing myself for eating). I feel like this is more of a mental than a physical block. Help.

submitted by /u/justa_cat_in_disgize
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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I cannot mention my weight loss without the other person asking if I have an ED and idk if they're trying to look out for me or they don't know what a healthy weight looks like.

Recently, I swapped out my winter wardrobe for my summer one. I've lost so much weight since last summer that 90% of my summer clothes ...