How to handle others sabotaging?

(On alt just in case) I recently started dating this guy who lost some weight too and when we first met I told him about my fitness goals and he was all for it! Telling me he was proud of me whenever the scale changed, calling me hot, etc. I really grew to like him and I was hoping we could hit our goals together since we both have them.

...But lately his actions just haven't been showing it. Every. Single. Time I'm with him he turns it into a binge and brings enough food for me to do the same and it is PAINFUL. I'm not even talking lightening up a bit on my strict diet (as I do that a lot with friends anyway so my friends don't feel bad). I'm talking buying multiple chipotle burritos, a large pizza each, etc. I'm talking full-on binging takeaway and me being in a situation where it's in front of me the whole time I'm there. I used to binge eat quite a bit due to mental illness so it's a struggle for me to say no when food is readily available and I'm not filled to the brim. The last time we got pizza and I got two slices I got hit with a "that's cute" and then the pizza was left right in front of my seat. On top of just handing me full sugar sodas before I can grab a water.

Now before the comments start, I know he doesn't have to cater to me. His choices are his own and I'm not saying we should just have side salads or something for every meal... but I feel like he's either sabotaging me on purpose or by accident and I genuinely cannot tell which. I really like this guy and have now been invited to his friend group who I adore, but I'm not sure if I can handle this without giving up and gaining tons of weight again, which I can't do due to liver issues.

Anyone else been here and had any success outside of just dropping it?

submitted by /u/dweebwithadream
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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I cannot mention my weight loss without the other person asking if I have an ED and idk if they're trying to look out for me or they don't know what a healthy weight looks like.

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