I have a confession to make... When I tell my friends I lost the weight by switching to whole foods and clean eating... I'm lying

The truth is... I eat damn near my starting weight in sugar free jello. I know fake sugar is manufactured crap. My friends give me shit whenever I sheepishly admit I actually like the taste of diet Coke. I'll eat complex carbs and fresh veggies and liters of water in public... But at home... When no one can see... I sneak a sugar free lemon lime jello out of the bottom of my fridge for my fix. And sometimes, if I'm feeling extra naughty, I put a little bit of reddi whip on top. The sound of the can dispensing "whipped cream" sounds like a warm southern mother shushing me, but with a mouth full of lies I've already accepted the truth to. Sue me. It's key lime pie for a meek 25 calories. Neon green with an aftertaste like licking a stamp, I peel back the aluminum seal and whisper "fuck you aspartame... CICO is victory, and you are but a pawn in my war."

submitted by /u/monteminx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Wir8yG

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