Lost 40 pounds since February! I have a long way to go but I'm starting to see some progress!

I started my weight loss journey on Feb 5th and I've lost just a little over 40 pounds. My weight has fluctuated 50 to 100 pounds off and on for most of my teen and adult years. I'm now 33 and I feel like I finally have a handle on my food intake. I'm enjoying the food I'm eating and I'm losing weight while doing it. Right now I'm eating around 1200 calories a day, I'm not really watching my carb intake or anything, just eating whole foods which means lots of cooking, but I'm really falling in love with it. About a month ago I started walking about 1.5 miles every day and I'm seeing a ton of progress in how I feel physically and mentally. Finally I'm able to see it in how I look, just a tad. I'm also starting to hear compliments from family (mostly about seeing my weight loss in my face). I can't lie, it feels good.

Four months ago I remember feeling like I could never do this. I felt defeated and I was always in physical pain. Waking up hurt, walking hurt, life in general hurt. The other day I picked up two 20 pound weights and I couldn't believe that all of that was inside of me not too long ago.

I hope this motivates someone out there. Even though I have a long way to go, the end goal is finally visible to me, where as before it seemed impossible.


submitted by /u/florencelove87
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35Nc3bz

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