Look good feel good

Honestly this may become a bit more of a tangent than anything but I’m at a bit of a loss.

I have been trying to incorporate regular exercise into my life for quite some time. Last year I ran two 5k races and was regularly running either on the treadmill or on local trails, I was eating better and my mental health was alright

Fall rolled around and my mental health plummeted, not unusual for the season, all activity stopped, eating patterns worsened and mental health continued to get worse.

How do I become a person whose mental health doesn’t derail all progress made in those warmer months? How do you choose physical health when your mental health is too bad to function? I am fortunate to have access to regular therapy and psychiatrist but I just can’t get over this barrier. Movement helps my mental health I know that but these days starting feels absolutely impossible.

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Mail375
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/OauDvC6

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Look good feel good

Honestly this may become a bit more of a tangent than anything but I’m at a bit of a loss. I have been trying to incorporate regular exerc...