Trying to lose weight from 320 pounds

My question is, is this well balanced or missing anything? I started dieting and doing light weight exercise and lost 15 pounds in month but since starting my current exercise plan my weight has completely gotten stuck and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong or just missing

Daily routine (food) 150g protein (how the?) 225g carbs (scarily easy T-T) 56g fat 2004 kcal

30g saturated fats 30g sugar 20-30g fibre 2300mg sodium

Daily routine (exercise) 12-20 bicep curls X2 12-20 cross body hammer curl X2 12-20 overhead triceps extension X2 12-20 dumbbell press X2 12-20 inclined dumbbell presses X2 12-20 barbell squats X2 10 dumbbell front raises 10 dumbbell rear raises (my delts AAAAAAAA) 12-20 barbell row 12-20 underhand barbell rows Thursdays and Sundays off

6'3 320 pounds Male 25

submitted by /u/BrandoStev0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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