Need to regain control of my eating - ideas? Nutrisystem temporarily?

So this is long but please bear with me. I've literally had the year from hell, between relationship issues, illness including stomach issues, stress and more. I finally got a handle on things sorta after emergency surgery new year's Eve. Went down 40lbs from illness and surgery. Then the current mess hit, and I tried for a bit to keep control of my eating but it got to be just too much for me to handle on top of everything else. I can't handle tracking when I'm struggling - the numbers just overwhelm me and either I end up binging or not eating at all. It's really not helping that I'm high risk and basically confined to home because of it either.

All that said, I'm trying to get a grasp on it again. But I'm still not able to track without issues, so I'm trying to work other ways instead. Right now my biggest issue I would say is portion size. I never feel full, but I know I'm also emotional eating. I need to just have it predone, portion controlled by someone else until I get control back over myself. I'm considering nutrisystem for that....I know it's a crutch of sorts, but at the same time it seems like a tool I can use for a while until I get to a better place to transition to meal prepping and planning myself. I've used nutrisystem before and it's okay ish. I get tired of it, probably because I use the boxes from Walmart so there's not a lot of variety.

Thoughts? Has anyone here used a similar approach to get a handle on portions and eating, then branched off on their own?

submitted by /u/dakotamidnight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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