I don't feel like I am eating healthier anymore

... I just feel like I am eating normal. I started my weightloss journey in August 2018 to lose weight (from 205 lbs to about 170 lbs), and temper anxiety. I have mostly done this via calorie counting and running.

I cut down a lot on beer (which saved money, whoo!), snacking, condiments like mayonaise, and portion size (I miss big steaks). Lately, I have been getting lazy and been tracking what I eat, but not bothering to put it in my LoseIt app diet until the end of the day. I have continued running. To my surprise I am still under my calorie budget. I have a better "feeling" for what full is, and have developed a habit of eating veggies when I get home from work instead of snacking on sandwiches and chips. Weightloss has slowed, but I am still doing about .75 lb a week.

It is amazing what turning something into a habit can do for your. Mental and physical habits can really change your life once entrenched. I don't know if it is this easy for everyone, or if everyone can form habits after 6 months, but I am really happy r/loseit kept my motivated because I am enjoying my new "feeling" for full and eating habits.

Thank you r/loseit

submitted by /u/Helix-09
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2D31EdM

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